Hello Fellows (a little late)

Although I have set up the account I am late to actually writing anything in here.  It has been great getting to meet everyone.  I just finished my 9th year at Graham High School (Alamance County) and due to family and other circumstances I am actually moving by the end of the summer to another state.  Currently I am have been offered a job in Michigan which is where I am originally from.  My wife an I keep saying this is bittersweet and it truly is.  We love NC and the students we have served with our time here.  It is becoming even more difficult after spending time here at NCCAT and working with more great people.  However I plan to continue with the program and continue the work (just from a further distance).  One of the best things about teaching in this state, is the multitude of opportunities offered to us as educators to experience so many professional development chances and learn about so many attributes this state has to offer.  I look forward to working and learning with the fellows whether it is at our PD sessions or from our projects we are working on.  I just hope wherever I end up, I get similar opportunities to learn and have fun with other professionals.