In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn. ~Phil Collins

This quote is so true. I am excited about learning so much this summer…and teaching what I have learned throughout the next school year.

It has been a wonderful learning experience this summer to have really been able to reflect on my classroom and teaching style. I have learned new ideas of how I can improve my teaching to ensure that I am doing the best I can and to be an example to others in my field.

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I have learned many creative technology ideas.  As a result, I am in the process of researching how I can incorporate those areas into working with students with severe disabilities and/or deaf/blindness.  In this field, it can be a challenge to make activities accessible. I am not only trying to create accessible activities by including the technology but I am also trying to work on incorporating some of these ideas into creating mini-workshops for my parents through “flipping” some of my parent contact methods.  I currently send home daily notes to tell parents how we have addressed academics each day.  The mini-video lessons would show parents how they could incorporate these activities into homework to complete with their child.

The Extended Content Standard Science lesson plans I am creating will be used in my classroom during this school year.  The lesson plan format I am using as part of this project will also become a part of my weekly planning for other academic teaching areas. The format has been helpful in helping ensure that I am making each lesson meaningful and accessible for each student.



2 thoughts on “In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn. ~Phil Collins

  1. cwilson

    I was wondering what tool you plan to use to make your mini-video lessons. I want to do the same thing but I can’t figure out what I want to use yet. I am also making a handwriting journal with QR codes for reference at home or remediation (I teach Kindergarten).

  2. asolano

    Workshops for parents is such a neat idea! Can’t wait to hear more about it as you flesh out the plan.

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