They’re Back!

“Man’s mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimensions.” ~Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

The students are coming! The students are coming! Yes, in just two short weeks, classrooms will be filled once more. Classrooms have been cleaned, organized and prepped, while teachers work to prepare lesson plans and activities for students. Soon the smell of freshly sharpened pencils, bright colors of new packs of crayons, and the squeak of new tennis shoes on freshly waxed floors will fill schools across NC. They really are coming back!

As teachers prepare to motivate all students under their charge, many find feelings of eagerness and excitement at the year ahead. I am one of the many teachers who are facing the new school year with a healthy anticipation of what my students will accomplish. I attribute much of this excitement to my work with my Kenan Fellows mentor this summer as I have planned and prepared ELA lessons to use with my 4th & 5th grade students.

No longer do I fear the Common Core; rather, I’ve developed a healthy respect for the rigors of the curriculum, particularly in the ELA area. As I have navigated through the curriculum, found connections across subject areas, and planned lessons that I believe are not only engaging but also challenging. I hope that the lessons and activities planned will stretch students’ minds and abilities in ways they have never imagined, helping all of us to learn and better ourselves along the way.

I have found a renewed feeling of excitement about teaching this year. I believe my students will greatly benefit from this positive outlook, as I work to make all lessons and activities in my classroom motivating and rigorous for all students.

Would I like a few more days by the pool? Yes, of course. But let’s be realistic,,,,I was usually reading curriculum documents or professional books while I was there anyway! Happy back to school everyone!

One thought on “They’re Back!

  1. asolano

    This post was such a fun read. I hung on every word. Thank you for writing such an inspirational post. We aim to inspire you all but I think it’s fair you’ve inspired us.

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