After the PD…..Making Meaning of the Kenan Experience

After making my final trip to Raleigh (aside from the spring celebration yet to come), I find myself experiencing a bit of sadness at the realization that my fellowship time will soon come to an end. However, I celebrate the wonderful things that came from this time.

(1) The time spent with other like-minded professionals working to do great things for students across North Carolina was priceless.

(2) Knowing that other educators across our state share a similar passion for making learning exciting and engaging for students gives me hope that the future is bright for education in our state.

(3) Sharing materials, resources, and knowledge for use in the classroom from educators who have used them with great success was extremely useful.

(4) Hearing from educational leaders across our state and participating in dialogue with these individuals provided another chance for our voices to be heard….and appreciated.

(5) Forming friendships and bonds that will last a lifetime….inside and outside the classroom.

Most of all, I appreciate the time spent creating quality professional development sessions for our participation. Each day provided a well-planned mixture of activities designed to raise our awareness of educational practices and increase our supply of teaching strategies and resources. This experience has been refreshing and just what I needed after nineteen years in the classroom. I feel motivated to continue making my classroom a quality learning environment for my current and future students. Thank you to everyone involved in making the Kenan experience incredible!

One thought on “After the PD…..Making Meaning of the Kenan Experience

  1. asolano

    Thank you for being part of this experience. We feel honored we can deliver informative and inspired sessions.

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