What Will This Experience Bring?

Plants 1

“Learn wisdom from the ways of a seedling. A seedling which is never hardened off through stressful situations will never become a strong productive plant.” ~ Steven Sigmund

What exactly is a Kenan Fellow? Though this is a question I have been asked by colleagues and administrators across my district since the announcement of my fellowship, I have yet to find one definitive answer. The closest description I have provided was “I am a learner, a teacher, and a motivator. The Kenan Fellowship will allow me to use my willingess to learn about ways to transform my pedagogy, take what I have learned and apply it in the classroom, while also encouraging other professionals to follow suit. Being a Kenan Fellow means my voice, my ideas, the good stuff I have to share can be heard by educators across the state.”

When considering what the Kenan experience will bring professionally and personally, I am reminded of Steven Sigmund’s quote. In many ways, teachers are like seedlings. Whether we are 20 year veterans or newly inducted into the profession, we are a resilient group. We face unique challenges daily, as we work with struggling students, shoulder increased curriculum and accountability demands, deal with limited resources and funding, and work to keep parents involved in the educational process. We work through the hard situations, becoming stronger and more determined to make our teaching more effective.

What will this experience bring? I’m certain it will bring many more questions, both from others as well as from myself. I know that I will grow professionally through this experience, as I deepen my understanding of the Common Core and how to best educate students. I also see personal growth, as I develop new friendships with this group of colleagues who share the unique “Kenan” bond. Overall, I don’t think this experience is about bringing me to a realization of what all the right answers are….rather a deeper appreciation and understanding of what the right questions are and how those questions bring about growth, in my students and myself.

What will this Kenan experience bring for you?

 photo credit: <a href=”http://www.flickr.com/photos/onegiantleap/4124211492/”>Jackal of all trades</a> via <a href=”http://photopin.com”>photopin</a> <a href=”http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/”>cc</a


One thought on “What Will This Experience Bring?

  1. jmetger

    Hi Jennie,
    I completely agree with your comments that teachers need that all important renewal no matter how long they have been teaching. I am finishing 29 years as an educator, and this experience (Kenan and NCCAT) is centering me and renewing my commitment to my students…just like it did the last time I was in Cullowhee back in 2000. I feel that you will be keeping your commitments close to your heart. Bravo, teacher!

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