When asked about the biggest AHA moment of my externship, I’ve really had to marinate on this for a while. My mentorship with DPI hasn’t been typical, in that I haven’t spent a lot of time at DPI or directly with my mentor. Instead, we have spent small amounts of time with our mentors, received a bit of beginning direction, and then we were sent out to develop curriculum based on the new Common Core State Standards.
When it comes down to it, my AHA isn’t about my curriculum or my externship directly, instead it’s about the people I’ve met. I know this is reminiscent of my reflection on our NCCAT experience, but as we are fresh out of our second Kenan Fellows meeting, it’s all that I can think about. Each time we meet as a group, I am awed and inspired by the other fellows, past and present, their passion for teaching and learning, and their innovative outlook on education. My project team of Kimberly, Kimberly, Patricia, and Jennie has become an integral part of my experience, as we are journeying together. We share joys, frustrations, ideas, and curricular plans. We have become fast friends, not just colleagues. I am finding more and more that the greatest professional need that I have is people to challenge, inspire, and encourage me!
I am excited about the unit I am planning, and I can’t wait to try it out in my classroom this year. Yet, I have a feeling that it won’t be the greatest take-away from my experience!
photo credit: Sean Rogers1 via photopin cc
I completely agree. It’s the network we’ve built and the short conversations we have over lunch or at breaks that have given me the ideas I’ll be taking back into my classroom.
You expressed it all so very well, Kelly. I’m so grateful to have my Fabulous Five cohort! I’ve met so many extraordinary people in our fellowship, too! My take-aways have not yet been any of the things that I anticipated and I feel so blessed to be able to know such amazing people and be able to call them friends!
Beautifully written, Kelly. The perk of being around other amazing teachers and making those connections and learning from them is something we think makes our program special and we are glad you see it too.