Epiphanies, serendipity and other magical Ah-ha moments!

Throughout this fellowship I have experienced and learned new things. From the time I was made aware of my selection I have been learning and growing.  To simply say, though that my time with Kenan has been a “learning experience” would be an understatement.  There have been moments during the fellowship when I channeled Hannibal from the A-Team uttering, “I love it when a plan comes together”.

The plan, as it stands is my life, my career. Sometimes, I feel as if my previous experience has been one great big mash-up. I am a self described Jane-of-All-Trades who likes so many different things it’s like I have a neurotic creative project disorder that should have it’s own listing in the medical journals that announce new diseases. But Kenan has allowed me to have my hand in so many things to make connections in areas where I wouldn’t normally make them. My creative disorder is in full effect. And it is OK!


Me and my mentor Lee Clark-Sellers at PlyGem headquarters in Cary.

Meeting with my mentor, Lee at PlyGem headquarters was one of those experiences.  She shared vital information that will greatly impact the newest version of the course that I am creating. But she also introduced me to the Sr. VP of Marketing who shared his process for brand development that added a whole new element to the course, and reinforced my love for the creative side of business.  Our conversation was relateable to this fellowship and some personal aspirations that I have. I left feeling like “okay, now I know I am on the right track”.


There was also a bit of serendipity in action on that visit. I was introduced, by my mentor, to the developer of some software that is being used to further the agriculture business in Columbus County. While we were talking about other things, out comes the recognition that this gentleman was responsible for creating something that is changing the face of small ag businesses, something that I was looking to become involved in on another level.  Talk about amazing, and inspiring!



Now as it relates to the manufacturing plant, my biggest A-ha moment came when I realized that extrusion, the process that is used to form the product being made is the same process used in ….play doh machines! You know how you place the play dough and press it through the die and it comes out in the shape of the mold? That is exactly what extrusion is. We have been extruding since we were babies, and we didin’t even know it!


We are 3 months into this fellowship, and I feel like I am brand new! There are so many opportunities and connections cropping up.  When you put something out into the universe, in it’s time it all comes together. A-ha is exactly right!

3 thoughts on “Epiphanies, serendipity and other magical Ah-ha moments!

  1. khaddy

    Your fellowship experience sounds so awesome! I like your description of feeling “brand new”–I feel that way too 🙂


  2. asolano

    Wonderfully written blog post. I can relate because I think we share the same “neurotic creative project disorder.”