Snall changes, big impact. Challenges leveraging technology.

cellphonesWhen it is time for change, sometimes, the changes don’t have to be significant in order to have a positive effect. It is often the little changes that one makes that can make a difference. So I have decided that this year, I will make a tremendous leap with technology use in my classroom.  But with small changes. Some attitudinal, and some in the implementation.  No more battling with the phones, or fighting with what equipment we currently have or need. I am going to plan effectively, and use everything efficiently and to the max.

In order to accomplish this goal, I have to assess what I have, and pair it with what makes sense to use in the classroom. One of the issues I have had with technology is  what we all experience-not all students have access, or the same access to technology at home.   But most students have  smartphones. And while use of them in the classroom provides the never-ending, beckoning temptation of text messaging, I have witnessed students actually using them as tools to complete their work.

So,  I have resolved that as long as cell phones are here, they will be utilized. The continuing challenge will be making sure that all phones have similar functionality.

One of our presenters in Cullowhee gave the definition of technology as something that makes things easier. Thinking of it that way keeps me grounded  in the fact that it is not always about what is new and shiny.  It is about what you have being useful while making things a tad bit easier on both teacher and student.  Utilities that streamline processes can leave more time and space for rigor and activities that truly challenge students and force them to grow.  I plan to gradually flip my classroom this year. What a way to use technology to move things along in class. No haphazard applications here or there that confuse the students and leave them with no real connection to the process.   If students don’t know where or how the tech fits in the classroom scheme, than that can hinder motivation and block the desire to succeed. I want to keep the use of technology practical and amazing at the same time.  If I can balance that I am hopeful that a few small changes will greatly impact the quality of my classes this year.

What changes will you make in your use of technology?


One thought on “Snall changes, big impact. Challenges leveraging technology.

  1. asolano

    You are spot on that change is not always dramatic. Sometimes it happens so slowly we don’t take notice. Thanks for keeping an eye out.
