i Smartphone

I thought you all might enjoy this latest connection made from my fellowship time at the North Carolina Council on Economic Education.  Teaching economics and discovering how we need things from all over our world (global awareness) to make something that we use everyday! Hit the Target again…Bullseye! Plus the kids are adorable…and I’m creating resources for elementary age students!

Enjoy!  Please submit any feedback or let me know if you are going to use this video in your class!


21 thoughts on “i Smartphone

  1. jmcguire

    Renee, I love this video! What a great way to help students develop global awareness using an authentic product! I plan to use this in my classroom to spark my students’ thinking on how and what we are dependent upon others for and vice versa. Great find!

  2. cboyd

    Wow! I love the video…I will definitely use this. Thanks for sharing. I especially like the quote at the end signed “I, Pencil”. Good stuff.

  3. kboice

    This technology touches on many aspects of my fellowship! I have been working with engineers that design all the components that involve the creation of cables and fiber optics, which make the world of communications possible. They also reiterate the fact that engineers interface with many different people to complete an idea. I can definitely use this video, Thanks for sharing.

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