I have been very fortunate that I have only had successes when it came to writing my curriculum. Now I know if anyone is reading this right now they are probably rolling their eyes, but it wasn’t my “awesomeness” that has helped in my successfulness, just that I was dealt a very nice hand. Let me explain. Within my Paleo group, there are 3 of us. I was lucky that Kimberly and I are both teaching 8th grade science this year, which meant that we could do our lessons together. Second, my project actually fell into exactly what I am expected to teach in 8th grade science, FOSSILS!! By having two brains and already having the standards in place, Kimberly and I were free to plan our project right into our curriculum. We were also very fortunate to have a mentor that gave us a few hours a day to write our curriculum. This allowed us to work together the whole time, and have our mentor with us so that we could ask questions along the way. Because of all these opportunities, we were able to finish all of our lesson plans before our last day and create 4 pretty awesome (in my opinion), cross curricular lessons!
Now we just have to wait to get our edits back….. 😉