Category Archives: Dr. Kuzma GES 2014

Dr. Kuzma and GES at NCSU

July 7-12, 2014


This week I started working with Dr. Jennifer Kuzma at the Hunt Library, on the engineering campus of NCSU. It was such a change from the science and data driven lab setting. I started the week sitting in on a meeting for IGEM.   It is a team of graduate students and professors representing fields of genetics, social science, communication, and ecology. The IGEM group is developing a website that will provide Bio Synthetic companies/inventors with information about setting up and running a company. The term ‘Bio Synthetic’ refers to organisms that have been genetically modified. What I found most interesting is that they are creating this site based on feedback they have received from entrepreneurs in the Bio Synthetic industry.





Later on in the week, I was able to sit in on a meeting with Dr. Gould, Dr. Kuzma, and the USDA office that focused on US products internationally.   I am impressed by the time and energy that Dr. Kuzma and Dr. Gould put into developing future collaborations that will enrich the Genetics Engineering and Society (GES) program. I am also impressed with their dedication to providing a platform for communication for departments of governance, engineering, science research, and international businesses for thoughtful discussion about Bio Synthetics use.