I have used my Lenovo tablet and the mini iPad throughout my fellowship. During my externship at Wright Foods, safety protocol prevented me from taking any pictures or video that was not staged by the Plant Manager and Chemical Engineer. However, when we did schedule these images and the video interview with my mentor, I used my Lenovo tablet to capture the footage! During my lunch break each day and then again after the day was complete, I would use my Lenovo tablet to quickly document and organize my experiences. I didn’t always know what information would be considered important or crucial to my understanding of the plant or for the development of my curriculum, so I logged a lot of notes!
At each of our Professional Advancement Institutes, I used the Lenovo tablet as my main computer resource because its compact size made it perfect for “laptop” use without taking up all the table space! 🙂
I used both my Lenovo tablet and the mini iPad that was purchased for my curriculum to take videos and pictures of my students as they completed various labs. I am a very visual learner and therefore, I greatly benefit from seeing image and videos. I definitely see the advantage of videotaping during class to not only improve my teaching skills, but to also encourage students to be extra attentive to what they are saying, how they are behaving, and how efficiently they are working! With this in mind, I completed short video clips and video-taped explanations of the labs that were conducted for two of the lessons within my curriculum. These videos were then compiled together and edited to the best of my ability and uploaded to youtube. I provided the links to these videos within the lesson plans in my curriculum.
Finally, I have begun using the iPad and Lenovo tablet to make Educreation videos that will be used to facilitate instruction at the end of this semester when I am out on maternity leave. I look forward to continuing to use the technology provided to me by the Kenan Program in the coming years. I also hope to sync the tablet with my projector with the assistance of my tech teachers in order to provide a teaching style that will allow me greater mobility within my classroom.
LINKS to the Youtube Videos:
Enzymes in Food Industry- KLP
Product Formulation and Production – KLP