I am very fortunate this year to teach the same students I taught during my first year of teaching in sixth grade. This year, the curriculum is fairly new, but the students are familiar. It is beneficial knowing the capabilities of my students and because I know they need extra reinforcement of the curriculum, I have implemented CK12 this year to review concepts. CK12 is a non-profit organization that works hard to provide resources and materials to educators and students to make a quality education accessible to everyone. Students are about to sign into CK12 using their google email address that is issued by the district. Once there, they join my science class to see the resources I have shared with them. There are a variety of materials that are geared toward different learning styles. Students can read information, watch videos, practice assignments, etc. These resources are not just for science teachers, but for all subjects. I usually give my students a guide to help keep them on track and they navigate the site.
This has helped tremendously, especially with students who struggle with English and students who have difficulty reading in general. This provides the information in a way that is easy to navigate. Students like having different tasks to complete in order to review the material. When they come to class all I have to say is today is a CK12 day and they automatically log onto their Chromebook and go to the website.
This has also helped with behavioral issues. Students who are normally disengaged are willing to complete the tasks assigned to them in CK12. Because this is independent work they do not feel pressured to perform in front of their peers. Everyone is equalized in the beginning because everyone is doing the same task. For students who cannot read, they are able to listen to the text with a Google Chrome App and no one knows the difference because everyone has headphones for the videos.
CK12 is not only helpful now, but will also be helpful throughout they year as we continue to review past concepts. With a lack of textbooks and resources CK12 is the perfect treasure trove of information that is easily accessible by students.