The Kenan Impact

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The KFP experience has definitely made a impact on me as an educator and as a person. Generally, I am quite introverted but definitely come alive and am very vocal within my classroom and with my students. Within this school year, I have seen myself begin to speak up much more within faculty meetings and be more outspoken about the things that I believe in when it comes to my students and how I teach them. I believe that I have become much more comfortable and confident within my classroom and as an educator and am making strides to be an even better teacher leader.

I have also made improvementsĀ in collaborating with other teachers within my district and even around the country. I definitely attribute most of that to my more frequent use of Twitter within the classroom. This is something that was mentioned during the first Professional Advancement Institute at NCCAT. That tool opens so many doors of opportunity and collaboration with other teachers from anywhere! I canĀ see a teacher post a short tweet about a lesson they are currently implementing in their class. A simple reply can yield a conversation that can ultimately lead to sharing of many ideas that can be tweaked to fit my classroom specifically.

In all, the Kenan Fellowship has given me exposure to many tools, a connection to a group of fabulous educators that I can bounce ideas off of when needed, and the opportunity to explore my own talents and abilities. Together, this experience has helped me develop into a much more effective teacher and teacher leader.