The highlight of my week was definitely Edcamp and all of the opportunities that encouraged and allowed me to self reflect. It’s like an empowerment that makes me want to be an even better educator.
STEM and STEAM Demystified was INCREDIBLE!!!! I love the fun and excitement this session encourages in the classroom. Also, the integration of music and movement will get students motivated. That’s a huge plus.
I plan to use the Save the Penguin experiment or something similar in my classroom. I also enjoyed the Edcamp format. I think it will be a great way to kick of the year. It will allow colleagues to identify topics they want to know more about and to share strategies and resources that they otherwise might not get the opportunity to share.
Why Culture Matters was not what I thought it would be. However, I wouldn’t go so far as to say it was my least favorite. I just imagined it would be geared towards encouraging teachers to see the whole child and not just a race, culture, or gender.
This week at NCCAT, was in my opinion, was VERY different than other PD’s. The one thing that sticks out to me is the way my fellow educators accepted and interacted with each other. I watched, listened and participated in conversations where we exchanged little and big ideas and lessons learned. The family feel was definitely in the air. I have laughed and cried; but most of all, made lasting friendships. I am so appreciative of this opportunity.