It’s All About Change

When you accept a Kenan Fellowship, you have to be prepared for change.  The experience will change you in expected and unexpected ways.  The biggest expected and most highly anticipated change for me was expanding and enhancing my collaboration with peers.  I am someone who thrives off of interactions with other people, so collaboration with my peers is very important to me.  For a very long time my collaboration has been only with science content peers.  Kenan Fellows has helped increase my confidence when sharing ideas with peers that are outside of science and has motivated me to collaborate more with peers that are not science based.  One of the unexpected ways that Kenan Fellows has changed me is in delivery of instruction.  Through my internship and professional development, I have learned new strategies to enhance and understand student learning.  I have begun incorporating skill sets from Design Thinking into my instruction.  Additionally when I am trying to determine a student’s level of understanding, I have been more deliberate and thoughtful on how I ask the student questions.  This experience has and will continue to shape how I teach in my classroom and collaborate with my peers.