
Describe ways your fellowship has changed you. Consider how you collaborate with peers, deliver instruction and learn about STEM careers.

Planning for this Ag Day event has got me stressed out I like to be in charge of everything normally and do it my way.  I have learned how to be a leader with my parents from our FFA alumni group to give them jobs to do as well as students.   I have to be more clear with my instructions so I do not set them up for failure or disappointing me.  This ag day im hoping will open up eyes of my students as well as others to see all the things agriculture has to offer.


Describe a moment when your students experienced an “Ah-Ha” or “light bulb” moment because of something you taught them. • Did that moment grow from your experience as a Kenan Fellow? If so, how?

As you know my project does not consist of a normal days lesson plan its an Ag day.  I have had lots of students working on getting this day planned and they have learned many things along the way.  Like today for instance we were mapping out the layout for the day and they were amazed at everything that was going to be at our event.  My students have really taken pride in the work they are doing to get ready for this day.  I have select students in charge of the animals, tractors, games, plant sale and much more.   Im so glad to see them working so hard to meet this goal.

Time is ticking and Ag day will be here so soon!