I have thoroughly enjoyed the professional development institutes I have attended through the Kenan Fellows Program. The activities have been thoughtfully planned and I believe were designed to nurture teachers and help them think about the scope of what it means to be an educator in North Carolina at this time. I think the experience that was most interesting to me was the final institute in October. This institute was all about education and the political process. This is one area which I can truly say I am not fond of. I am not fond of politics…nor politicians as of late. I do not discriminate within party lines on that statement. However, listening to the various political figures that came to our professional development made me realize that teachers, through the right channels, need to make their voices heard. Overall, the professional development institutes I have attended through Kenan have made me more thoughtful and reflective. I have enjoyed this experience.

One thought on “KFP PDI

  1. asolano

    Glad you enjoyed the experience and took away a new perspective. We appreciate you sharing your thoughts.