The Kenan Fellow/Mentor partnership is the foundation of our program and what we do. What does this parternship mean to you?
My partnership with Vidant Duplin Hospital and Krista Horne, Director of Education has been very valuable. It was at the hospital under Krista’s guidance that I learned about how the hospital works, what the major health problems in this county are, built a foundation for my understanding of diabetes, and formulated a plan for how my students could make a difference based on what they learn about diabetes. Krista connected me with many medical professionals and arranged for me to shadow in almost every department of the hospital. She provided resources like nursing texts and websites as well as advice and ideas. As a result, I have been able to incorporate information on diabetes into biology lessons throughout the semester and implement community service projects that we hope will make a difference in Duplin County, which has a very high rate of diabetes. When my students began research projects on diabetes, Krista came to my school and helped begin their research. She did a marvelous presentation to kick off the project. After each group had researched their topic and presented a Prezi to educate the class, they did group community service projects to educate people in Duplin County about diabetes. Some groups prepared PowerPoint or Prezi presentations and activities which they presented to 4th and 5th graders at an elementary school. Other groups prepared tri-fold display boards which we plan to put in doctor’s offices and hopefully the Health Department, the hospital, and a community fitness center. Other groups created a website, infographic poster, or pamphlets. Another benefit from this partnership is that I am able to advise students better about careers, opportunities, and education related to health careers. This morning (Saturday) I ran into one of our graduates at the grocery store and he said he needs to plan his senior research project in biology for next year when he is a senior in college. I told him about a college student who did research at the hospital last summer, told him about a possible fellowship opportunity, and told him to contact Krista Horne.