Safe or Out?

To say that the road to Home Base has been bumpy is either a cliche or a gross understatement and maybe even both. The process of creating a resource for teachers forced me to explore the applications in Home Base. Home Base, for all its promise and potential, is not an intuitive system. So if a teacher wants to learn how to do something in this system, they have to be taught or they have to invest time into teaching themselves. That’s where the Teacher’s Toolbox for Schoolnet comes in – to save teachers time when learning the features of Schoolnet. It my hope that teachers will be able to use the livebinder as a quick resource on how to use Schoolnet.  It will continue to grow as long as my district continues to use Schoolnet.large__8659961094

Which brings me to the latest bump in this road. Will districts decide to go with Schoolnet or not? $4 a student for a system that isn’t intuitive and has only been working for the second half of this year. Not an easy sale and for many districts Home Base may be out.


photo credit: Keith Allison via photopin cc