NCCAT Flashbacks

Since I have been home, my husband has been a victim of my NCCAT flashbacks! I enjoyed so much of last week and have shared details with him throughout the last couple of days. As events occur at home, I compare and remember things from last week. I enjoyed meeting and getting to know so many smart, interesting people. Mealtimes were so much fun in that I was able to listen to stories and backgrounds of educators who teach in completely different worlds from me. I learned so many new ideas of how to embed technology into my classroom. From the variety of speakers throughout the week, I have pages of notes to review and  incorporate into my plans. I am excited about figuring out how to make it work with my students with severe disabilities.


Due to back problems, I was not able to join others on the whitewater rafting trip. However I enjoy did being a part of the “V.P’s” (Van People) 🙂 I enjoyed talking with them and getting to know them a little better.   We all enjoyed cheering on the rafters!

I remember hearing some Kenan Alumni tell us of how they learned so much from the ‘down times’ while at NCCAT.  They were right! Who knew conversations in the stairwell of the dorms or in the aisles of Wal Mart would be so helpful, fun and memorable??

I know I will continue to remembering the fun I had through my NCCAT flashbacks for a long time!


2 thoughts on “NCCAT Flashbacks

  1. khaddy

    Your comment about your husband being a victim of NCCAT flashbacks cracked me up. Go VPs!

  2. asolano

    It’s funny, Julia, I was sad that I missed out on my chance to be part of the VPs! Glad it was a nice experience for you overall. Thank you for a heartfelt blog post.


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