Life in the Classroom…

“Learning never exhausts the mind.” ~Leonardo da Vinci

Connecting my summer externship experience to life in the classroom will be an easy task, considering that my work is with the English Language Arts curriculum for my assigned grade. As I am gathering materials and creating a unit correlated with Common Core Standards, I find myself imagining how my students will respond to the activities and resources I plan to use. I know that, as with any new plans, there will be hurdles along the way; however, as I work closely with my mentor and colleagues who are also involved with the same fellowship, I know that I won’t stumble for long, as I have a wealth of resources from which to draw. I anticipate the creation of a unit that will be useable by teachers across the state, and even country, that connects ELA and Science curriculums for my grade.

I do have a confession to make….even though it’s early July, I’m excited about getting back to school and testing out my unit with a new crop of students! Imagine that….a teacher actually excited about going back to school. I only hope my students share in the excitement!


5 thoughts on “Life in the Classroom…

  1. dpodgorny

    Do tell us the topic of your search and what the unit will be about. Reading to and with kids is so much fun. Reading what they write and how they spell at first is very interesting.
    P.S. Love the backdrop you have on your blog that frames the page. Are those real colors or something Photo Shop enhanced?

  2. ksanderlin


    I am just as excited as you to test my unit on my “new crop” of learners :)!!! I was just speaking to a colleague about the invaluable professional development afforded to us through our fellowship. Particularly thankful for collaboration with cohort members like yourself! Looking forward to seeing you in a few days!

  3. amills

    Hi Jennie,

    I remember being excited to go back and see students and try new things after long summers. I miss those days. Though I do look forward to coming back to working with the teachers in the fall (I am a Lead Teacher/Program Specialist), there’s something about preparing an awesome unit and watching students learn, benefit and be enriched by it. When the time comes around again, ENJOY it! 🙂

  4. kbedell

    Hi, Jennie,
    What a wonderful luxury, to be able to think deeply about the connections and overlaps among disciplines and then to design curriculum that takes advantage of them! I’m definitely looking forward to hearing more as your project progresses. For which grade are you writing?

  5. asolano

    It is awesome that hear that you are excited about getting back in classroom and testing what you’ve learned this summer.

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