Common Core, Technology, and Teachers…oh my!

Does the Common Core help or hinder technology? Does technology help or hinder the Common Core?

The Common Core is the newest name for CURRICULUM.  Call it what you want, but it is essentially the same. Goals, skills and expectations are decided, written, arranged and mandated by education’s leaders. Teachers are then required to make them workable, useful and successful for their students. I have seen lots of curricula come and go. The one common thread of good intention with all of them is that I  believe that each version is a result of education’s leaders working to make them alittle bit better than the prior version.

So, does technology’s influence and inclusion to this curriculum help or hinder? Yes. Both. Look at the other blogs about this same topic. The evidence is right there. Everyone is right. It is a help if it raises student learning and understanding. It is a hindrance if the opposite occurs.

And as usual, it is up to those who directly work with our students to make the “curriculum du jour” work. Good teachers take the challenges, the changes and  the checkpoints of assessments to make it all work the best they can for their students; because, it all  comes back to WHO we are teaching. We work with people. Historically, people are unique, creative and evolving. As a result, good teachers use those very same human qualities to really teach what the essence of the common core is meant to do: encourage deeper learning through problem-solving, teamwork, collaboration, raising awareness, communication, asking the questions…and answering them, making a difference, taking action and driving change.

Don’t get me wrong…I am not cynical…I am not interfering in advancing student learning and moving forward into the 21st century.  I am not against technology. In fact, I am LOVING learning about all of the technological innovations from each Kenan session. There is such potential for these innovations to improve and enrich student learning that I find myself thinking constantly how to integrate and revise what and how I teach. And if that is what happens because of the common core and its technology infusion…then it is a “good thing”.

2 thoughts on “Common Core, Technology, and Teachers…oh my!

  1. khaddy

    Very well said. I like that you emphasized the “human” aspect of teaching—I do worry that, now that self-directed online courses (like credit recovery programs in the high schools) are becoming more popular, the importance of the human connection is not being valued enough. I agree with your excitement about the new technology stuff we have been learning, and also that it must be INFUSED with the common core.

  2. asolano

    “Curriculum du jour”, I love that. Everyone should be using this phrase. It captures so much.

    Thank you for sharing.