Eyes Wide Open

My DPI fellowship was a tremendous learning experience and an eye-opener, too. As a result of meeting, working with and talking with my mentors, I have a new-found appreciation and trust for those affiliated with DPI.  So often, the “edicts” coming from those people at DPI usually made me question if they really knew what teachers are going through on a daily basis. I also questioned the last time they had worked with children/students to really get an idea of what they wanted teachers to do and what was realistic. This summer, I was able to see that the ladies I worked with have a real dedication to providing for NCs teachers and children. I appreciated their intelligence, drive for excellence and their passion for their jobs. I also appreciated that they were friendly and genuinely interested in my opinion about “things education”. The other aspect of my fellowship that opened my eyes was when I was able to sit in and listen to the August session of the State Board of Education. Wow! The breadth of topics they listened to and the comments/questions they gave brought out a variety of emotions in me from shock and frustration to appreciation for their empathy toward teachers. One of the biggest impacts on me was the realization that they, too, (like DPI) are very restricted with what they can do for NCs teachers. They don’t have as much power as we might expect. They are also at the mercy of the NC General Assembly members. I heard of a number of programs that were stopped or taken away as a result of the General Assembly…not them. It made me feel very sad to know that so many people in NC have so little power for change and so few have lots of power to make decisions and changes that negatively impact NCs teachers and students. They talked a good game about teacher pay, teacher tenure, honoring our profession, etc., but it was mostly talk. Why? Because they don’t have the real power to make change and to make impacts. They try the best they can with the limitations that are imposed upon them….hmmmm….just like me!

Once again, I really think that “those in their glass towers” need to get back into the classroom, so I invite any board member or assembly member to visit my school. I challenge them to stay the day (or days!) and really get a glimpse of what it is like for teachers to do what is right for our children with the challenges they have tossed down to us! I dare them to come and then go back to Raleigh and keep the status quo!

May the gloves be tossed into the ring…but will anyone pick them up?  Don’t worry, NC General Assembly and State Board Members, our state’s teachers will! They have, they did and they will continue to do what is right for their students!