Whitewater Fun

Although I learned how to use a lot of great new technology at NCCAT and I’m very excited to try to plan a few lessons that incorporate augmented reality when school starts up, I think the most memorable DSCN0943 event was the whitewater rafting trip.

My best friend growing up was a raft guide during her summers on the Nantahala (with the NOC, actually), so rafting down this river wasn’t new to me.  But on our trip, I learned a lot of great new things.  I know the gorge is beautiful, but I never really took the time to notice it and think about it like we did on Wednesday.  Peter talked to us about the diversity of the life around the river and what causes it.  I had honestly not thought of the natural history of NC, and it feel privileged to live in a state with such variety from the mountains to the beach.

The river was freezing, but clean (I ingested several mouthfuls accidently as we plowed through rapids.  We managed to stay upright and not lose any passengers, so we had an easier time than some rafts on the trip. img_0424 The people in our raft took on different roles–Angel was our guard, alerting us to the rapids ahead.  Michael provided entertaining commentary while Patricia was our resident photographer.  Jayne and Joni were our naturalists–Jayne can tell you all about  fish while Joni points out all the plants on the riverbank and how to tell them apart.

What were the roles in your raft?

6 thoughts on “Whitewater Fun

  1. ktufts

    Ha! I don’t know that we actually took on different roles, but it was definitely a comfortable group for the day. Peter was in our boat and continued the biology lessons as he could. It was really a pleasure to ride with him. Marci, Karen, and Vicky were friendly and ready to chat about…anything. That was so much fun. Karen and Vicky sat up front and really took the brunt of several of our adventures and did so with a smile every time. Jennie is in my cohort and was just such a comfort to be with because she often spoke exactly what I was feeling but hadn’t expressed.

    1. lbolton Post author

      So jealous that Peter was in your boat; I bet you learned so much! My best friend moved to Swain County in high school (from Cabarrus County, where we lived) and had Peter as a teacher. She said he was awesome. Jennie was the first person I met in Kenan, way back at the acceptance/recognition dinner. Have you talked to her about how her science class is structured? It’s all through literature. I’m glad you enjoyed your time on the river!

  2. dpodgorny

    Hey Lisa,
    I, too, have the picture of rafting in my head and imagine it will stay there for quite a whilte. No one in our raft really wanted to sit in the front so I did. It was awesome. I got to get to know Sue DePerno who also sat up front. We were in charge of rowing at the same time and with the same strength. I don’t think we figured that out in that right at the BIG rapids, we hit a big rock along the shore and went through the falls backwards. Nonetheless, we liked our all female crew and guide. I learned later that one person was rather apprehensive and came out of the trip wanting to return with her family. How nice that we did not flip her from the boat!
    BTW – I need to learn how to increase the size of my photos in the blog. I have played with the advanced feature and they were blurred. I also really like your banner. Nice job, chica!

  3. lbolton Post author

    Angel and I were in the front of our raft and were eyeing each other’s paddles for timing with the most intense focus. With 6 other people and a constantly flowing river, I don’t know how much control I have over the direction of the raft personally, but I didn’t want to be responsible for our demise. We also had an apprehensive person in our raft come out wanting to bring their family.
    I’m still figuring out the blog thing–uploading pictures is tough, it took me a few times to get a picture that wasn’t tiny. The banner I made in MS Paint. I couldn’t find any photos on Photo Pin that I liked that didn’t have a big stock photo watermark on them. Good luck tagging this week!

  4. asolano

    Wish my best friend was a river raft guide! I enjoyed reading about your experience at NCCAT. Lovely pictures too.


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