It all starts now!

Ply Gem Plant, Fair Bluff

Ply Gem Plant, Fair Bluff

Well, it actually started on May 4th! But after orientation I was anxious to begin. So I took a deep breath, started my research and learned my tablet. One of my mentors and his colleague were my guests at a school-wide career day, which was a big hit. Whenever I checked there were students at the PlyGem table. Lannie, my mentor at the plant in Fair Bluff, will say that the student enthusiasm was a result of the student host that was paired with them at their table. Either way, students made a connection to the plant. I feel really good about that. The fellowship is already making an impact.

I had a recent meeting with my mentors which actually solidified the true beginning of things. I visited and took a tour of the plant where I’ll spend my externship. Then it hit me! I’ll be learning about manufacturing! Something completely new and different! I mean, I am actually excited about plastics! And we know how important it is to be honestly and purely enthusiastic about what we are teaching! There is a necessary connection that must be made between industry and education, and this fellowship program is a clear example of the mutual understanding between stakeholders of this fact.

So, here I am. Here we are. It all starts now. Let the learning begin!!