“a little help from my friends…”

Our Fellowship!!!

Our Fellowship!!!

A line from a song worked well for a start last time, so the Beatles provided me a little inspiration this time!

About my fellowship.  The topic of this blog.  This one is an easy one.  I could spend my time talking about Home Base, and the fact that a select group of individuals are working with NCDPI to collect resources to “tag”, so that they can go into the OER Repository inside Home Base.  But, hopefully, our “show” at NCCAT provided that information.  I would like to talk briefly about the people that I am sharing this project with, the heart of our “fellowship”.

The ladies, as I am the only guy (no complaints) that I am sharing my Home Base project with are some of the most qualified, intelligent, and hard working, passionate people that I have worked with in my career.  In the two weeks that we were “confined”, (haha) with each other, we each figured out that we were there for a purpose.  We were there to represent all of the subjects that the students in our school NEEDED, not just the ones that they had to have due to graduation requirements.  We were the representatives of the subjects that taught students to speak and understand in the different, but glorious ways that music, art, world languages, agriculture and the elementary school mind let them.  We were the connectors of the outside to the inside, and hopefully speaking for my other teammates, we couldn’t be more proud.

I envision that our Fellowship project is the beginning of something big for our state.  As we take drastic steps backwards in teacher pay, benefits, and school structure, I can see Home Base taking us in a forward direction.  It could be a tool to start unifying curriculums in not only the core subjects, but all of the classes that our students take.  The well rounded student is not the student that takes all kinds of classes, but understands them, and uses all the different types of education and knowledge to make the world a better place.  “With a little help from my friends”, I think we are off to a great start to producing those kinds of students.   Feel free to sound off in the comments section!  Until next time!

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