Highlight of NCCAT


The highlight of the week at NCCAT for me was the rafting trip and the other times I got to spend getting to know the other fellows.  It improved our conversations during sessions, which allowed me to get more out of them.  This time also helped rejuvenate my positive feelings towards my job.


During the rafting trip, my boat had a lot of interesting things happen to it.  We brought a young girl to her mother, who we watched fall out of their boat about 20 minutes before.  We had to tow a raft that another group left behind and I saw the largest spider I have ever seen in the wild. Everyone in my boat also jumped off of the rock into the river, which was cold enough to be literally breathtaking.

I am glad that I got to know most of the other fellows through these experiences. Being around such passionate teachers has been awesome.  I am looking forward to our next professional development together.