Tag Archives: http://2013.kfcentral.com/user/2012/05/1/this-is-a-private-post/

My Wonderful Opportunity!

I have piles of books, a list of 20 websites, and pages of notes from the discussions I’ve had with my mentors thus far.  My Design Your Own Project Fellowship of “Making ‘Global’ Cents” has sparked the interest of everyone I’ve share the ideas of the scope of my project.  I’m especially grateful that MGC has inspired my mentors to invest in me.

NCCEEThus far I’ve spent most of my externship at the heels of Stephen Day and Sandy Wheat at the North Carolina Council on Economic Education.  I’ve been to 5 workshops and have traveled to 3 different cities.  I will be working with Sandy Wheat next week and have conference calls and meetings for funding to attend with her.  I’m not only learning about all the resources available to teachers at NCCEE, I’m a part of how the organization gets funding for the workshops and materials for teachers.

I will add a photo of Sandy and I and Stephen Day and myself once I visit their new offices on Spring Forest Road in Raleigh next week.  Yes, they even agree to take me on as their fellow during a move.

On July 17th I will be beginning the second part of my externship working with the researchers at Duke University.  The first thing on the schedule is to get a tour of the campus!  I can’t wait!Duke University

These are photos of my former students….being the Governor for the day for his country and sweet Ally showing others what if feels like to be “rich” in our classroom economy of Herrick Credit Union!

My fellowship project hopes to bring hundreds of students these amazing opportunities and experiences.

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