Monthly Archives: October 2014

Reflecting on the KFP Professional Development Institutes

This experience is by far the best experience of my professional life. I am surrounded by the top teachers from all across the state and their enthusiasm is infectious. I have grown as a professional and as a person. I have learned so many new and awesome things. For example, I know use Google Docs in my classroom. I set up four classrooms and will be using Google hangout soon. I also use to send text messages to students and parents. My students love  As I reflect on the KFP institutes, I am so thankful to have been chosen to be a part of this entire experience. The professional development provided at the KFP Institutes is by far the best that I have received in all my years of teaching. We received invaluable information and were encouraged to pursue other opportunities within education. My goal is to provide a similar type PD to my staff at school. I want educate them on what the Kenan Fellows program involves and encourage teachers to sign up for the Science Professional Development that will occur this summer at the museum. I also want to encourage other math teachers to become Kenan Fellows. I love incorporating science within my classroom and have had many students ask me for recommendations for Science Olympiad because of my project.