Monthly Archives: August 2014

Lesson’s Learned

I haven’t posted a blog since school started.  One of the things that I learned was that I like to do the blogs (which makes it sad that this is my first one in a few weeks).  I consider myself to be a reflective teacher (and learner) and I think that keeping a blog really assists me in being reflective.

I learned so much during my internship and also gained support for much of what I already thought.  I’ve already applied aspects of my experience into my teaching – using my investigations as the basis for discussions and lessons on the scientific method and scientific literacy.  I’ve also used some of the papers that I read over the summer as examples of scientific writing – even when my students don’t understand the intricacies of the topics they can see the language and nuance of the writing along with the format.

I also learned that I can pick up pretty quickly what is going on in research.  I’ve been out of school for almost twenty years and I was a little intimidated when I went into the experience.  I hadn’t ever taken a biochemistry course, but by the end of my experience I really feel like I was having intelligent conversations with my colleagues about our experiments and expectations.