Monthly Archives: July 2014

Greatest Challenge for using Technology to Empower Learning

After hearing about all the wonderful new apps, computer programs, and flipping the classroom. I still wonder at times… is this something that I can do and make work in my classroom. One of the toughest things that I have to compete with currently in my classroom are all the social media apps for the phones that pull students attention away from learning. Students are more interested in using the time provided for social media apps like facebook, snapchat, and twitter rather than educational apps, like quizzlet or searching for information on their cell phones. I feel that phones are like a double edged sword for me currently.

I plan to a better job next school year with identifying from the get go of class, what I consider to be acceptable phone usage and what is unacceptable or inappropriate phone behavior. I really do value the engagement aspect of sneaking in education activities through the use of technology in the classroom.  I am looking forward to using Polleverywhere, Aurasma, and Tellagami in the classroom next school year. I may even try to use more of Edmodo to convince students to stay off of Facebook and use it to communicate group thoughts to the entire class.