Highlight of NCCAT

Our week at NCCAT was jam packed with awesome!

I think the high light for me was the Big Picture project where we were all able to see what everyone else learned. I loved that even though I wasn’t able to go to all of the sessions the final presentations showed us the main ideas of each of the tools. Now I don’t feel like I missed out on anything and I know which tools I want to do some further research on and try in my classroom.

I am so excited about the coming school year with all of the great tools and tricks we learned this week. I know now how to make my classroom the fun, collaborative, awesome place I have been striving for it to be.

It was a wonderful experience meeting so many other passionate teachers from all parts of the state.  I loved  hearing about how they teach and their tips and great ideas. I was also really interested in several of the projects that people in more rural areas of the state are involved with.  I can’t wait to get started at the museum next week, so I can start putting all of the pieces together for these lessons.  🙂

2 thoughts on “Highlight of NCCAT

  1. mwilliams

    It really was amazing to see how passionate and excited all of the teachers were at NCCAT and still are of course! 🙂 I loved getting to meet someone that was so fully aware of the area that I teach in and someone that is near by at times!

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