My Kenan Journey

My ultimate objective as an educator is to prepare students to be productive in this ever growing technological society.  This opportunity to be a Kenan Fellows will afford me the ability to expose myself and my students to new innovations.  It would also grant me exciting networking opportunities with likeminded individuals who share interests in research, reflection, and a passion for educating youths. I am extremely ecstatic at the prospect of acquiring an arsenal of projects/activities and ideas from my peers that will pique their interest in science education. Who else to collaborate with but the soldiers who are in the educational trenches daily. I have heard enough testimonials to be optimistic that if I bring a level of excitement to teaching, my students will bring a level of enthusiasm and not feel remove from the lessons.  Students will embrace learning; become and remain active participant in the learning process.  Additionally, Kenan has reenergize me to cultivate a classroom that is relevant and fun!

The wealth of resources that I have gained from this experience will continue to cultivate my passion for Science and technology so that I can guide students to seek after careers in these field of studies.  Finally, I have heard the statement being echoed by many, “once a Kenan fellows, you are a fellow for life”.  I truly believe that I have just forged lifelong partnerships that will continuously provide me with the tools necessary to morph with the times and not become obsolete as an educator. Now that I am a Kenan, I will remain relevant in this ever changing global society and the students who lives I have touched due to this experience, will carry on to be independent thinkers and problem solvers.