Kenan Summer Experience


One thing that has piqued my interest as a result of my Kenan fellowship experience is my awareness of the existing resources/ programs that are available at NCSU that has the potential to enrich student learning and guide them to gravitate towards careers in Science.

Touring various facilities and conversing with the faculty and students, made me realized that NCSU is an academically rich community.  The perception among many including myself was that both Duke and UNC were the leaders and innovators in the region and would hardly if ever hear any mention of what this school has to offer.   This opportunity  definitely changed the false perception and I am now aware that NCSU is as much on the cutting edge and offers students a rich education comparable to the above mentioned schools.

Thanks to Kenan, I now have the pleasure of disseminating this invaluable information to my students and continue to spread the word to my school community.