An Introduction to NCCAT

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*The next two posts are all going to be from separate days, but posted at the same time.  I wasn’t able to access the blog site while at NCCAT due to a server issue.*

The first day/night at NCCAT was exciting!  After we went through all of the logistics and expectations (which were incredibly helpful) we launched right into getting to know everyone. Icebreaker activities are always awkward at first and the Kenan Fellows ones were no different.  In my group, it was clear that we had very dominant personalities and it was interesting to see how we all worked together.  As someone who has facilitated leadership camps before I tried to step back from my typical leadership style (the commanding type) and be more of a secondary leader.  The past few years I have become more of an absorber.  I like to sit back and observe the situation, absorb what information I can, and then contribute my opinion or thoughts when they are needed or warranted.  This lead me to developing my goal for the week.



I want to spend my week trying to learn everything and anything I can from the session leaders and my fellow fellows without being overwhelmed and while trying to go with the flow.  I think that being open to all of the different resources and suggestions will provide me with a greater opportunity than if I went in with a closed mindset.  Sometimes I do that because I want things to be organized and I have a difficult time with not having control over situations.

Being a Kenan Fellow will elevate my career in many different ways.  The professional advancement alone will help me take charge of my classroom in a more efficient and exciting manner.  The chance to hear from veteran teachers about new and innovative ideas that they have tried in their classrooms is an opportunity that not many teachers have the time for anymore.  It will teach me how to be a better leader in my classroom and in my school.  In addition to the PA institutes, I now have an amazing network of teachers in my cohort that I can rely on that are going to be going through similar experiences.  They’ll be looking at the same information with a different lens and we will be able to help each other explore curriculum and tools more deeply.  Being able to work with teachers across the state will give me the confidence to work as a leader in my school and my community.  My cohort’s experiences, in addition to my internship, will give me base ideas on how I can work with other teachers and community members.

I am excited for what the rest of the week has to hold!