
      2 Comments on Twitter!

When Twitter first came out I was vehemently against joining up.  I’m not sure why, but I guess I just didn’t have any interest in yet another social media platform.  I think that’s completely understandable.  Who really needs to know what I’m thinking 24/7?  Twitter made it so easy to update anyone and everyone on what was going on in your life at every moment.  Eventually a friend of mine got me to create an account and I’ve used it on and off for awhile.  The past couple of years I’ve used it as a way to keep my students from trying to follow my personal account.  I would tweet physics related things or pictures of them at their events that I went to.  But now it is as if a light bulb went on in the Twitter section of my brain!  One of my education professors uses it to connect with other educators, and while I thought it was cool at the time, I didn’t follow suit until now!  Like I said before: “Twitter made it so easy to update anyone and everyone…” so why not use it for good instead of evil?  I have followed many a Kenan Fellow in the past couple of weeks and am moderating a Kenan Fellows twitter chat!  It is wonderful to be connected to so many like-minded individuals.  When I had the idea to do the twitter chat I didn’t realize that some fellows had tried it the year before.  I didn’t think too many people would participate and I honestly thought it was only going to last for about 20-30 minutes.  Boy was I wrong! After a few minutes waiting for people to introduce themselves the conversation exploded!  We were learning about each other’s projects and experiences, making connections with previous fellows, and sharing resources.  All because Twitter is so quick and easy to use and instantaneous!  If you’re interested in seeing the conversation just follow this link: Twitter Chat 7/9/15 #kfpchat!

AND join us next time 7/16/15 #kfpchat

2 thoughts on “Twitter!

  1. Lisa Hibler

    Allie, thank you for working to lead the Twitter Chat. I look forward to watching these take off as a means of personal PD.

  2. rbourgeois

    I had the exact same experience with Twitter before Kenan! I used it solely to keep up with hockey and baseball, nothing else. Seeing how other teachers are using it to grow professionally as well as keep up with peers and friends has really changed my opinion of how to effectively use this tool. And, I really enjoy the #kfpchat Twitter Chats! They give me great ideas on how to be a better teacher for my students and you do an amazing job in leading them! Keep up the great work!

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