Reflecting on…reflection?

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We learned a lot of new tools and strategies in our Kenan Fellows PD as well as our own internships, but the tool that I’ve been using more often, and with every unit, is reflection. I’ve always liked having my students reflect on their experiences, but I never had them do it frequently enough for it to truly have benefits. This school year I’ve started having them reflect after each quiz/test. I never had them do anything too intense, simply how confident are you with the answers you put down, how much time did you spend practicing/studying the material, and what kinds of questions/help do you need me for? It has been quite helpful for students to recognize what types of things they need to change on their end. It’s also helpful for me because they have the opportunity to ask questions without feeling on the spot. It gives me a chance to either address it as a class or work with them one on one at a later time.

I’ve also had them do more involved reflections at the quarter end and after more difficult units. It gives them the opportunity to see that they are responsible for their own learning. At one point, a lot of my students were upset that I wasn’t lecturing the material and that they were expected to read a lot of it on their own. It was difficult for me because I personally am used to lecturing at least a little bit for each unit. I had them think about how they learned best and how they could adapt for the class as an individual as well as how they could use the extra time I provide outside of class to meet with me and be able to identify exactly what they need from me in those moments. It has been extremely helpful and I will continue to have them reflect throughout their time with me.