My Kenan Fellowship Gains

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What do I hope to gain from my fellowship? – Is it too much to ask for everything?

Almost from the very beginning of the week in Cullowhee I could tell that this fellowship was going to be better than any other Professional Development I have ever experienced.  I can tell that the professionals I meet and the friends I make during my time as a Kenan Fellow are going to elevate and motivate my career like nothing has before. There are four main areas in which I think Kenan Fellowship will elevate my career: Fellowship, Knowledge, Leadership, and Community.

Fellowship: I know I’m going to make lifelong friends and connections, I’ve already started making some this week! It is amazing being around such motivated and like minded people who share similar visions for education. My shark teeth team are already becoming pretty close and bonding over hobbies, interest, and  for our love for education.

Knowledge: I’ve gained more knowledge, resources, and connections from this Professional Development than I have than I’ve  from a lot of other PD, and I’ve taken a lot of PD. The collaboration and ideas that I’ve gained from just talking with my fellow Fellows this week has been incredible. Our shark teeth team already has an awesome idea for our product and we’re eager to get started next week.

Leadership: Learning to lead and become a better leader is one of my personal goal for my Fellowship, I hope that by observing and learning from the other Kenan Fellows and mentors who are also leaders in their fields that I will be able to go back to my school a stronger and more charismatic leader than I already am, and be able to show the importance of STEAM to all of my colleagues there.