Back in the Lab!

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After a wonderful week at NCCAT (more to come on that later, I’m still trying to process through the experiance), I am back in the lab this morning. The researchers were still working on the same problem as the week before, and repeating experiments under different situations, with slightly different variables.

Just like education, learning new things in science can really change your practice. One of the doctoral students read a paper over the weekend that gave her an idea about the genome of the weevils that she is studying, and so we are working on that new project this afternoon.

The other researcher on the mosquito project also needed to change over some flies (Drosophila m.)  to new viles, and so I helped to transfer them and learned how to tell the difference between males and females! Science is great at looking at the big picture, and the tiny little pieces of the picture at the same time. While the big picture of their projects remains the same for both researchers, I am learning new little parts of their world everyday!

Sexing Weevils for Genome Sizing Keeping Weevils Cold DSC_2551DSC_2573 DSC_2567 Magnified Image of Male and Female Fruit Flies