The beginning of the journey: a week at NCCAT!

I don’t know how to describe this in words, but first of all I am excited about the wonderful people that I met, my fellows. In just a week, I felt that all of us (the fellows) became like a family. I strongly believe that we are the most excentric teachers, at least in North Carolina. We know how to be serious, but we know how to have fun as well!

I am planning to involve parents much more in my classroom’s life.

I strongly believe that involving parents in their children’s education will have a positive impact on everybody (including me).

Also, I will try to connect my content much more with real-life examples. Teaching students is not just about content; it is also about preparing them for “real-life” as good citizens, professionals, future parents etc. If we try hard, I think we can find every subject in any real-life context. We just have to try!!!

Something that I will definitely do (never done): watch daily news with my students (since I have TV in my classroom) and analyze them in context. I think it’s worth 10-15 minutes to do it and I am sure that I will be able to connect it somehow with my content. Amin to that!