Product time

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It is time to do the “safety dance” because there is a product coming from this fantastic internship.  This week I met with someone from WCPSS magnet office for curriculum writing. She and I discussed the creation of a 3-5 elective based off of this experience.  We talked about what the focus might be and how to write a proposal for this new elective.  It has been difficult to focus in on any one aspect of this experience because each day I learn and see something new and interesting.

As it looks right now I will be creating a 3-5 elective for third quarter.  I need to come up with a catch name but the concept is the science of safety.  We will spend time learning about water, it’s properties and how to be around water safely.  We will learn about the properties of fire, and then learn how to be safety smart near fire.  We will also discuss how engineers work to keep firefighters safe.  We will discuss electricity learn the difference between conductors and insulators and how to be safety smart near electricity.  Finally, students will explore engineering careers to share with the class.

It is exciting seeing it all begin to take shape.