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As a child, I heard the phrase “commencement.” I used my context clues (incorrectly) to assume it meant “the end.” It made sense to me. The ceremony is held at the end of a high school student’s career. Of course, later I found out the meaning of the word is, in fact, beginning. Since this blog post is an end, but truly just a beginning, I’ve chosen the title “Commencement.”

At the end of the year, we celebrate our fifth graders with a promotion ceremony. (Going to middle school is a big deal, right?) We have each student decorate a star. They are told to write about: 1) a happy memory 2) what they want to be when they grow up, OR 2) someone they would like to thank. Very broad topics usually get broad responses. There were the usual, “I want to be a football player when I grow up” responses. Those are fine and typical of adolescents.  However, there were three students (our of twenty-six) who wrote things that surprised me. I don’t think these students would have had the same response had their teacher not participated in a Kenan Fellowship. One student wrote his favorite memory of all of his elementary school days was the Strawberry DNA experiment! The other two were a little more in depth: see picture below.


My Kenan Fellowship wasn’t just limited to me. It wasn’t just limited to my classroom or even the teachers who use my project. My fellowship will reach people I will never meet, because these kids will grow up to be leaders either in STEM fields or leaders in other fields who have strong backgrounds in scientific literacy. They will be the ones making decisions one day. As they are making decisions, they might remember one time in fifth grade when they extracted DNA from a strawberry or put earth worms in their greenhouses.

Although my time with these students and with my fellowship is drawing to a close. It is a commencement of new opportunities for both them and me, and I can’t wait to see what they are!


Thank you for reading my blog. Although the topics were at times redundant, (and I often chose my own), the requirement to write gave me the monthly opportunity to reflect on how my fellowship was molding me. I may chose to post here again to hash out the trials and victories of education, but for today, I’ll leave you with this:

Today’s takeaway: What things in your life are ending? Could it really just be an beginning you can’t yet see?

Wrapping Up

Video Reflection of My Fellowships Impact on the Classroom

When reflecting on my internship, I took some time to look over the development dialogue I wrote before my Kenan Fellowship began. It surprised me how many of my goals (and hair brained ideas) turned into reality this year. You can view part of my development dialogue below.

Five weeks – length of program Six months out Five years out
*Network among fellow educators, Bayer Crop professionals, and the broader community

*Learn about STEM career opportunities & identify skills students need to be successful in STEM fields

*Learn as much as I can about Ag Science, Biotechnology, (content knowledge) and new instructional strategies (pedagogical knowledge)

*Finalize MSMS lessons and videos for BCS

*Continue networking

*Increase STEM approach in classroom

*Bring more experts into my classroom

*Bridge the gap between education and the corporate world

*Develop product related to the MSMS product for Bayer

*Mobilize Bayer employees to participate in MSMS through MSMS training for employees at BCS RTP campus

*Goodnight Scholars Program mentoring

*use social media and personal connects to advocate for STEM education

*Continue networking

*Use skills gained in teacher leadership field

*Present at conference

*Get a Master’s degree

*Have a STEM/PBL classroom

*become a STEM teacher leader who balances content with real-world experiences to improve each child’s problem solving, critical thinking, and background knowledge


Memories: One of the best moments of my Kenan Fellowship was seeing my students interact with professionals. As mentioned in previous blogs, I had our city’s project manager talk to the kids about how local governments develop their budgets. Then, the students worked in groups to prepare a budget for their cities, while receiving feedback from our guest. More recently, I had five scientists and three lay agricultural experts come to give my students feedback on their greenhouse projects. The students explained what they learned during their research, what choices they made for their greenhouses, and why they made each choice. They enjoyed sharing their ideas with adults, and they devoured the feedback they received. There is a lot of research explaining the importance of giving students feedback, but how much richer the feedback is when it is from an expert in the field. Not only do my students enjoy their time with the professionals, the adults have remarked to me how much they enjoy their time at my school. They have made comments, such as, “Your students put way more thought into their project than I ever did when I was in school.”


Although the students certainly benefit from the visit, I believe the adults benefit as well. I think it is good for them to see what happens in classrooms these days. (Let’s face it. Things have changed since we were in school.) The role of technology and the implementation of twenty-first century learning skills have reinvented the classroom. Even the environment has changed. When I had one group of visitors come, we had a lock down. I felt the experience was good for the visitors to see how schools (and children) prepare for school violence. In summary, having professionals visit the classroom benefits both the students and the guests.


Would I recommend the program? I have definitely recommend the Kenan Fellows Program to colleagues who have a desire to increase their STEM content knowledge and teacher leader skills. However, many of my colleagues teach at a year round school, making it difficult to complete parts of the training and internship. I was very thankful Bayer was willing to work with my schedule.


Always improving: One of the things I like about the education profession is the constant opportunity for reflection and professional growth. I felt last year was a successful year; but this year was better because of my fellowship. I have refined some of my teaching practices, integrated more real world content and information about STEM careers, advocated for education, and developed skills as a teacher leader. Ultimately, students are the ones who will reap the benefits of my fellowship, both my students and beyond my classroom through teacher leadership.

Today’s Takeaway: Never stop growing  – personally and professionally.

Greenhouse Project Reflection

About my project and its real world connections:

The current world population is 7.4 billion (as of 2016) and is expected to reach 9.6 billion by 2050. As the population explodes, the need for a sustainable food supply will become an even bigger challenge. Agricultural scientists and farmers will be expected to grow more food on less land. In my project based learning experience, participants engage in a simulation in which they study how organisms interact in their ecosystem through the lens of agricultural science.

In this project’s simulation, students work in cooperative learning groups forming a “nursery company” hoping to contract with Lowe’s Gardening Center. In order to earn Lowe’s business, they must have healthy plants ready for consumers before the planting season begins. The students conduct research on factors affecting plant growth (soil, water, light, and biotic factors). Then, students use a “choices handout” to guide decisions about how they will create their own desk-sized greenhouse. They will also design a blueprint of the greenhouse. They will use multimedia to present their solutions and justifications to an agricultural expert. After receiving feedback from the expert, teams will make any final changes and submit the greenhouse plan. Next, they will set up and maintain their greenhouses. The team with the tallest and healthiest plants will earn the business with Lowe’s to sell their plants.

Steps in project:

  1. Students research factors affecting plant growth through whole group instruction and independent internet research.
  2. Students make design choices and prepare multimedia presentations for greenhouse proposal to agricultural experts.
  3. Students present greenhouse proposal to agricultural experts for feedback.
  4. Students use feedback to finalize greenhouse design plan and to submit final plan.
  5. Students build and maintain greenhouse while evaluating the design.

Students are assessed through group discussions, the Choices Handout, exit tickets, and the Greenhouse Project Student Reflection at the end of the activity. A major theme in assessment in the justification of choices based on research, rather than the choice itself.

The evolution of my project:

My Kenan Fellows internship was based at Bayer Crop Science in RTP. As the inaugural fellows at Bayer, Lindsey and I were navigating new territory. We wanted to strengthen Bayer’s Making Science Make Sense (MSMS) program and use it for our Kenan Fellows product. However, as we starting working, the MSMS lessons did not fit together into an easily usable package for classroom teachers.  We do have long-term plans to share these with teachers in a different format, but we wanted to be sensitive to the differing goals and realities of the MSMS volunteers compared to classroom teachers. Additionally, Lindsey and I had different experiences at Bayer so the classroom implications looked different for both of us. Therefore, we created two separate products and agreed to share with one another.

After pouring hours into our initial MSMS project, I realized I was back at square one in September. With my hands in the dirt at Bayer, I thought about the importance of agriculture for our health and economy.  I saw numerous connections to Bayer’s work and my 5th grade curriculum, but I felt overwhelmed trying to put it all together. Since my students live in suburbia, many of them have little to no background in agriculture and do not think about where their food comes from. One of my mentors reminded me that the simple act of having students plant seeds and make observations as they grow is bringing Ag into the classroom. With this advice in mind, I created an outline for my project and eventually added in the pieces educators know make for a good lesson: cross disciplinary activities, integration of technology, community involvement, and 21st century skills (collaboration, creativity, communication, and critical thinking). Before I knew it, my project blossomed into something which accurately reflected what I learned at Bayer while faithfully addressing state standards.

Next steps/How I’d like to see it used:

*I still need to wrap up this project with my class. (Thank you snow days and sick days for messing up our schedule!)

*I want to continually revise my project. The day after I submitted the project, I ran across a vocabulary word and thought to myself: Oh, I need to add that to my project! Revision is a circular process.

*I have shared my project with a colleagues both at my school and through the Kenan Fellows Program. I have also email the director for Elementary Science in Wake County to see if it can be utilized throughout the county.

*At this time, I am hoping to share this project and other Crop Science related lessons at the Making Science Make Sense teacher workshop in June.

Making decisions about their greenhouse
Making decisions about their greenhouse

Ah-Ha Moment

It’s the moment a teacher lives for. The moment when a child’s face lights up. After working hard all period, or perhaps all week, the child finally “gets it.” When I reflect on my Kenan Fellowship and its impact on my classroom, one ah-ha moment sticks out in my mind. I do not think this moment sticks out because it is more significant than others or because it was a grandiose moment, but simply because it was the first moment I saw my classroom change because of Kenan Fellows. This moment was the direct outcome of my interaction with a mentor at Bayer’s Innovation Center.

At the beginning of the year, my fifth graders learn about cells, genetics, and the human body. (Yes, these are huge topics compacted into a five week unit, but such is the nature of fifth grade!) I was activating prior knowledge in warm up activities and introducing students to key vocabulary for the unit. After explaining DNA is the “recipe” of an organism found inside the nucleus of a cell, I told the students we would be extracting DNA from strawberries. One student immediately blurted out, “There are cells in my food! Ugh! That’s gross!” “Yes! Exactly!”  I responded. Then we traced how different foods (fruits, vegetables, grains, and meats) come from living things, and since all living things are made of cells, our food is made of cells. To anyone with a strong background in science, this moment may seem simple, but to those of us who understand how fifth graders seem the world through concrete eyes, it is significant. Since that moment, I have seen this student fall in love with science. He often asks me science questions as we walk down the hall. His mom tells me how he tried a science experiment over the weekend. When I reflect on this moment, I am reminded of the many conversations I had with scientists at Bayer who told me about simple moments in their science classrooms when they fell in love with science. I can’t help but wonder if this moment will be the story my future scientist retells one day. “When I was in the fifth grade, we extracted DNA from a strawberry, and I…..”


Today’s takeaway: Never underestimate the power of little moments.

How My Kenan Fellowship Has Changed Me

I could easily drone on about all the ways my Kenan Fellowship has enriched my life, but in the interest of my readers., I’ll format this blog in the spirit of a “stump speech” (You’re welcome, Craig!) and limit my blog to two major changes I’ve experienced.

*My fellowship has changed what I understand about Science:  Prior to this experience, I knew very little about Agricultural Science, Molecular Biology, Toxicology, Biotechnology, and Microbiology. My Kenan internship felt like a fast-paced course in Applied Biology, and I saw first hand how science is an expanding field, as our depth of knowledge grows exponentially. Although I may not teach higher level science courses, a stronger foundation in content knowledge helps me challenge my students.  Seeing how what I teach my students today becomes useful in the corporate science environment empowers me to be an advocate for STEM education. What we teach and how we teach matters!

*My fellowship has taught me to “Just Ask!”  In the past, I have not consistently sought out community resources, but my Kenan experience has shown me how my community has both the desire and the ability to meaningfully contribute to my classroom. Through some connections I’ve made through the fellowship and outside networking, I’ve learned of opportunities I never knew were available for my class. For example, in the fall, I had Daniel Weeks, the project manager of Holly Springs, share with my students how a local government budget works. The kids loved interacting with him, and they benefited from his education and real-world experience. When the time came for me to invite a mentor from Bayer to visit my classroom, FIVE REAL SCIENTISTS jumped at the chance. They will be giving my students feedback on their greenhouse proposals later this month. What did I have to do to access these opportunities? All I had to do was ask! Many people value education and are willing to help out in schools. When you tell them your kids need their expertise, they joyfully volunteer! I may not have experience in every topic in our curriculum, but I can find someone who does. Especially, as it pertains to science, it would be silly NOT to take advantage of the corporate and educational institutions we have in our area! Chances are, my students will long remember their interactions with these professionals over my lesson on any given Tuesday, and all I had to do was ask!

Students make greenhouse proposals and prepare for meeting with Bayer scientists!

Today’s takeaway: No educator is an island. Reach out to the continent for the sake of your students. You can’t do it alone, but you don’t have to.

Brain of a Scientist, Heart of a Teacher – A Look at KFP Mentoring

At Bayer CropScience, Lindsey and I had the wonderful opportunity of talking with every major department from sales & marketing to research and development. Our unofficial mentor/agent, Danielle, kept our schedules full of a variety of experiences. Some days, we independently worked on curriculum for Bayer’s Making Science Make Sense program. Other days, we interviewed team leaders. Other days (my favorite days), we worked alongside of the scientists and joined in their tasks.

When I worked at the innovation center, I had several ah-ha moments. Before I visited, they asked me to submit questions to them. When I arrived, they printed a sheet with my questions and their answers! We spent an hour or so going through the questions and clarifying ideas that were previously confusing to me. Then, a scientist walked me through the process for transgenic product development from research to production. It enabled me to make sense of many of the things I had already seen at the RTP campus and continued to see throughout my visit.  Since one of my responsibilities at Bayer is to make curriculum for middle school students, Marie sat down with me one afternoon and we walked through a few practical classroom experiments and discussed how they related to the work at Bayer. I felt our time together brought the entire innovation center internship full circle!

Kurt, a Bayer CropScience mentor
Kurt, a Bayer CropScience mentor

On December 15, Lindsey, our mentors, and I are meeting to discuss what we want the long-term impact of our fellowship to be. How can we maintain a long-term partnership with Bayer CropScience? Being the first Kenan Fellows at Bayer has been an exciting experience, but I believe it comes with the responsibility to strengthen the program and prepare future Bayer fellows for their experience. Also, we plan to organize and present materials at Bayer’s teacher institute in June 2016. More to come on this later (especially after our December 15th meeting).

I am grateful for the mentors at Bayer CropScience who have sacrificed their time to help me understand the STEM corporate world. Their expertise is truly the lifeblood of the Kenan internship experience.

A general note on the power of a mentor: I believe in the power of a good mentor both professionally and personally. It you want to learn how to be a doctor, find a good doctor. If you want to learn how to play tennis, find a good coach.  When I attended the recent News & Observer STEMology event, one of the panel speakers recommended to a young scientist that he find a mentor. When I reflect on my own career, I think of mentors, such as Mrs. Penny, Mrs. Nelson, and Mrs. Bartek, whose expertise and patience strengthened me. Honestly, I probably would not have lasted in education without the encouragement of these ladies. Ironically, not all of these ladies were serving in formal mentor positions, but they certainly did the work of a good mentor. Now, that I am a little further along in my career, it is time for me to become the mentor. (Although I am firm believer that we never grow too old or too wise to be a mentee!) Through the Goodnight Scholars Program, I am mentoring a college freshman who wants to be an elementary school teacher. It is exciting to see her enthusiasm for teaching. I think part of my responsibility will be to help her navigate the profession while taking the every-changing climates in stride.

Today’s Takeaway: The best mentors are the ones who have the BRAIN of a scientist (or doctor or whatever field you’re interested in), and the HEART of a teacher. Take time to find a mentor, and be a mentor.

Professional Advancement Institutes Reflection

Our professional development institutes are packed full of teaching strategies and teacher leadership sessions. The extensive planning behind the institutes is obvious. (Thank you, Lisa, Craig, Elaine, Randy, and Amneris!) My time spent at these institutes has been well worth it, because it has been unlike any other professional development I have ever had.

Meaningful connections with colleagues

It is difficult to identify which institute was the most meaningful, because  each institute fulfilled a special purpose in the Kenan Fellows Program mission. I feel many of us walked into our first session with the deer in the headlights look.  Because the Kenan experience is so unique, it is hard to know what to expect. For me, the biggest take-aways of the first session was building a network among the fellows and learning what our experience would entail. It sounds simple enough, but it was necessary to make every other part of our fellowship meaningful.

My favorite part of the July institute was the part when the NC Museum of Natural Science leaders shared how to do citizen science in our classroom. I am excited about using the INaturalist app in my classroom during our ecosystems unit this spring. One of the most practical takeaways was the time we took to familiarize ourselves with our elected officials. Because so much of our field is dictated by the political realm, we need to stay informed. As both a teacher and as a citizen, I desire to stay informed. Usually around election season, I do a good job of researching candidates to become an informed voter, but I do not stay on top of things as much as I should during the “election off season.” After this session, I went home and contacted each of my legislators at the state and national level.

The most significant parts of the October institute for me were the NC Spin and meeting the legislators. I liked that the NC Spin participants were mostly respectful of each other and targeted the issue, rather than the person. Later that day, when our representatives arrived, I was happy I was able to recognize the face of the person who represents my district in the NC House of Representatives. Seeing someone in person, shaking their hand, and seeing how they talk can change your perception of a legislator. A website or thirty second television ad can only tell you so much about a candidate. As mentioned in a previous blog, Representative Stam will be visiting my classroom in February, because of the connections I have made during the KFP institutes. I am glad my students will have the same opportunity to meet their representative in person, talk with him, and shake his hand as I did.

The Kenan Fellows Program professional development is very different than any other professional development experience I have had in the past. For starters, within the last few years, districts have transitioned to a more local model with PD to reduce registration and travel expenses to state and national conferences. Although I understand the reasoning behind the change, it can be limited. About 90% of the professional development I have had outside of my Kenan Fellows Program experience has been within the confines on my building. Fortunately, there are some amazing teachers within my building, and I have learned so much from them. However, it is easy to become near sighted when all professional development is localized.

Additionally, after ten years in this profession, I have never had a the benefit of a mentor or trainer to show me the ropes of navigating the political landscape as a full time teacher. It is so important that TEACHERS are advocating for EDUCATION, because we are the experts, but we are not the experts of politics, at least I am not. The KFP institutes gave me strategies for interacting within the political realm of education, while still doing what I want to do – teach.

My favorite things about my Kenan experience really isn’t the big take aways, but rather the small, manageable changes I am making and have mentioned throughout my blogs. When I do my “stump speech” about what my fellowship means to me, I almost feel like I’m making a list. It’s so hard to summarize it in a few minutes. (Yes, Craig, I’ll continue to practice to make it better.)  I thought I’d end this blog with just a couple of pictures (worth more than 1,000 words, right?) which captured moments in my classroom that never would have occurred without my Kenan experience.

“This is DNA? How do scientists use it?”
Guest speakers can share their expertise and a unique perspective.

Bayer’s Bee Care Center

What happens at the bee care center: The 6,000 sq ft Bee Care Center facility and pollinator gardens opened at Bayer CropScience’s RTP campus in April 2014. The center serves as the North American hub for Bayer’s bee health education, research, partnership and stewardship programs.



-Education: Bayer Bee Care Center participates in education initiatives with group programs, such as Raleigh’s local Passage Home, FFA, and Girl Scouts. The staff participates in 100+ bee health related tradeshows and conferences annually. They had had over 3,000 visitors in the first year of operation tour the facility. Anyone looking for a free field trip?

Bee Care Center Lab

-Research: I found the research piece of the center to be fascinating! One piece of technology is called the SmartHive monitoring system which helps apiarists monitor hives from a remote location. For example, it can measure temperature and weight. Weight may be an indicator of low food source and will let the bee keeper know he needs to add sugar water. Currently, this technology is used on a commercial level, but hopefully with technological advances, it will become affordable for hobbyists. A graduate student is working on a bee repellancy product, in which bees would be naturally repelled from an area where crop protection products were recently used. Also, the researchers are developing the Varroa Gate system which treats bees for the dangerous varroa mite as they enter the hive. My favorite part of the Bee Care Center was participating in some of this research.

Hive monitoring system
SmartHive monitoring system

Partnerships: The Feed a Bee campaign is a partnership between Bayer Bee Care and nonprofit organizations to increase bee forage across the US. The initiative was an immediate success, and 60+ million flowers have been planted thus far. (see Feed a Bee website). I am hoping my students will be able to participate in this program as an environmental responsibility lesson during our ecosystems unit. If you know of an organization that would like to participate, you can order free seed packets from the Feed a Bee website.

Stewardship: In order to promote sustainable agriculture, growers need both crop protection and a healthy ecosystem for pollinators. Bayer works with growers to reinforce best management practices and mitigate crop protection’s impact on pollinators, such using products at the right time and rate and communicating with local bee keepers about application dates.

What I learned about…

The hairs on a honey bee aid in pollen collection.
The hairs on a honey bee aid in pollen collection.

Honey Bee life cycle


-Bees: There are about 4,000 native bee species in North America. However, the well-known honey bee is not native to the US, but was brought over by early colonists. Honey bees, unlike most bee species, are highly social. They provide food for the colony and care for offspring through division of labor. Out of the 40,000-60,000 bees in a colony, there is only one queen. She is the only fertile female and spends her life laying eggs. She can live one to three years, in which another female egg will be fed “royal jelly” to make the bee fertile. The new queen and old queen will sting each other numerous times and fight to the death. The queen is the only honey bee that can sting multiple times. The worker bees are small, sterile females who make up the most of the hive. They only live 4-6 weeks, but have different job based on the their age. Their jobs range from providing food to the eggs and larva and collecting pollen (protein source) and nectar (carbohydrates) in the field. Bees collect nectar from plants and store it in their honey stomachs. The nectar is converted into honey by an enzyme called invertase. Bees then regurgitate honey into the honeycomb and cap it with wax for preservation. The color and flavor of the honey is dependent upon the flowers in which the bees gathered nectar. Lastly, there are drones. These males breed with the queen and are kicked out of the hive during winter, so they don’t drain the food source. See a hive demonstration by Sarah Myers from the Bee Care Center here.


Honey bees have continued to be significant in the US, because they are an indicator species, meaning they can tell us a lot about the ecosystem by their population trends. Their highly social behavior makes them easy to monitor relative to other bee species. Additionally, the economic impact of honey bees is important, because of the honey and the pollination services industries (more on this later).  Honey bee populations are impacted by economic supply and demand. When the demand for honey is high, the number of bee keepers, and consequently, the number of bees increase. After World War II, many veterans pursued bee keeping, but gradually the industry slowed, and honey bee populations declined.  In the last ten years, Honey bee populations have slightly increased in the last ten years, ranging from 2-3 million.

Did you know? Bees generally have a one direction flight path, as opposed to hornets that dart in flight.

Many citizens have heard about the decline honey bee population, but most do not understand the complexity of this issue. Citizens have heard the term Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), which is often used incorrectly. CCD refers to a specific set of symptoms, most interestingly, the disappearance of worker bees from the hive. There are no dead bodies to investigate, so little is known about this condition. However, bee populations are affected by many factors, including: starvation/poor nutrition, queen failure, poor wintering conditions, improper pesticide use, disease, and varroa mites. Varroa mites are parasites that suck “bee blood” (haemolymph) and carry viruses. When I was in the lab, I saw several varroa mites and used a microscope for closer observation. When thinking of the impact of the varroa mite, think about having a tick the size of a dinner plate on your back. By both sucking blood and carrying diseases, it’s easy to see how dangerous these mites are for the honey bee population.

Varroa mites on honeybee
Varroa mite up close
Varroa mite up close

Botany: Plants have two major transport systems: the xylem which moves water like a straw through the plant and the phloem which moves sugars. Neonics (type of pesticides) are highly mobile in the xlyem, but not as moveable in the phloem, which helps protects the bees because of low residues in the parts of the plant where bees are collecting nectar and pollen. The bees carry pollen on their hairy bodies to help plants either self pollinate or cross pollinate, depending on the type of plant. They transfer the pollen from the male to female parts of plants. Cross pollination occurs through abiotic factors (wind and water) and biotic factors (insects, bats, snails, and birds). Bees are just one piece of the puzzle, but the interdependence of these organisms is significant.

Paths of Commercial Pollinators
Paths of Commercial Pollinators

-Commercial pollination Industry: Some bee keepers transport their bees to farm for pollination services. Bees pollinate during the day and return to the hive at night. Beekeepers close up the hives and move to another farm. The commercial pollution industry is big business, especially in the almond farms of California. These bees are transported hundreds or even thousands of miles to pollinate the crops!


What I did: I participated in data collection by helping scientists determine a varroa mites to honey bee ratio. The researcher collected samples of about 100-400 bees from participating bee keepers. This research is helpful in comparing the efficacy of various varroa mite treatments. Additionally, the research wanted to find out about what pollinator species are present in the area. We placed 105 bee bowls (see picture) around the premises, particularly in high forage areas. The bowls were colored white, yellow, and blue to attract pollinators. Then, insects are captured by a soapy water solution. At the end of the day, we collected the bee bowls and prepared the insect samples for later investigations.

Classroom implications/take aways: After reviewing the K-8 science curriculum for the North Carolina essential standards, I noticed very little focus on entomology with exception to a butterfly life cycle unit in second grade. I am curious why this vast area of science is not given much time in the curriculum, while other concepts are revisited throughout many grade levels. At any rate, I still saw some connections to curriculum and plan to develop several lessons with Bayer’s Making Science Make Sense program that will align with objectives, such as plant anatomy, pollination, and environmental stewardship. These lessons are in the embryonic stage of development, but maybe I can post them here when they are finalized. Most notably, I saw several citizen science opportunities with students. Journey North and Monarch Watch are programs mentioned in our Kenan professional development that have reappeared in my internship. Although these are related to butterflies, the skills and knowledge base are very similar to the entomology work at Bayer.

Personal take aways: I cannot honestly classify myself as a nature lover, although I did once capture my own caterpillars as childhood pets. However, the more I learn about nature, the more impressed I am. Learning about the complexity of DNA on a molecular level last week to learning about the extricate interdependence of organisms across kingdoms this week just makes me fall in love with science all over again. Sometimes we think of science as a concrete base of knowledge. However, that is not an accurate description of science. Science is all about discovering the natural world. We often tells our students how we used to think the earth revolved around the sun and explain that we know much more now. However, science is constantly changing. The entomologist I worked with told me about how she discovered unique species of insects. I wonder what example we will use from 2015 science to explain our naivety to students in 2200?

For more information:

Links to learn more about bee health or scheduling a tour (free field trip anyone?).

Interesting website about entomology

Information about the varroa mite:

Follow Bayer Bee Care on Twitter @BayerBeeCare.

photo credits (other pictures are mine): worker bee jobs by age; varroa mite on bee; varroa mite, commercial pollinator map; up close honey bee

Innovation – The Heartbeat of Research and Development

Last week, I had the wonderful opportunity of visiting Bayer Crop’s Innovation Center in Morrisville. This has been the most fascinating part of my internship to date. Thank you to all of the scientists who eagerly shared their knowledge with me. I will pay it forward by being a good steward of the information and nurturing scientific curiosity in my students.

Safety training: Upon arriving at the Innovation Center, I met with Deb, the regional biosafety manager. She explained to me the different regulating agencies involved with safety protocol (USDA/APHIS/PPQ). For my visit, I used well-known safety practices, such as personal protection equipment and hand washing. It was amazing to me how many of the safety guidelines are a part of middle school science classes, such as hand washing. Although simple, they are essential in the real-world to prevent environmental contamination. The innovation center is in the very beginning of the research process and the products have not yet been through the years of rigorous testing as the GM products of the market, so safety is essential.

What I learned about GM innovation: After safety training, I met with Brian who provided a flow map of the GM research and development process and Jon who gave me a tour of the lab. The innovation center begins the process with:

Step 1) Gene sourcing: Agrobacterium is a type of bacteria that naturally add DNA to a plant. Scientists at Bayer use this process to develop stronger plants, almost like a more efficient version of natural selection. Genetic modification is the process of using our knowledge of genetics to solve a problem. Isn’t this what all technology is? GM technology is no different. To start this process, scientists collect bacteria from soil samples and then grow it in the lab to create a bacterial library.

Sample of agrobacterium
Sample of agrobacterium

Step 2) Trait discovery: Gene mining or trait discovery asks the question: Can this bacteria protect plant A against problem B (example: protecting soy against soybean cyst nematodes). According to the USDA, nematodes cost about $80 billion in total crop loss annually. Bayer uses farmer feedback and other data to gauge which pests are causing the largest problems in the field. Bacteria have endless potential benefits, so scientists often find they are using the right bacteria, but asking the wrong question. Bacteria X may not protect soybeans from nematodes, but may be helpful in developing drought resistant corn. Therefore, even if the bacterium is not useful for the original purpose, it is stored for a different question at a different time. In the case of pest control, pests of interest are fed the bacteria to see how they respond. Then, IF it is effective (remember in R&D, failure is expected), then scientists must identify which ONE gene out of the approximate 5,000 genes in the bacteria is responsible for the pest control trait.

Step 3) Vectoring: The gene of interest is inserted into E Coli, because E Coli is the workhorse of the bacteria kingdom. Bacteria has a plasmid shaped DNA (meaning it is like an oval, rather than linear as human DNA). The bacteria’s DNA is cut using restriction enzymes. The DNA has “sticky ends” so the newly inserted DNA can connect easily. The gene of interest is paired with a selectable marker to help identify which plants received the gene in a vector. The selectable marker, in most cases, helps the plant survive an herbicide. This is useful, because the plants will later be placed into a solution containing an herbicide. If the plant survives, then it received both the selectable marker and the gene of interest. Therefore, it’s a keeper.

Step 4) Plant Transformation: Two methods for plant transformation are the gene gun (see video) and agrobacterium. Gene guns are a slightly older technology, which shoots gold flakes containing the gene of interest into the plant. Chris and I performed an embryonic isolation for corn and soy to prepare the plants for genetic modification. It was neat to see how the corn and soy looked different at first glance, but upon closer inspection they were functionally similar and actually have a lot of similarities to a chicken egg (see diagrams).

soy bean embryocorn embryo

Although from the animal kingdom, a chicken egg has similar structures and functions as plant seeds.

After extracting the embryos, the embryos are infected with agrobacterium through the process of co-cultivation. Corn is a lot easier to transform, because the embryo either receives the genetically modified trait or it doesn’t. Soy is more challenging, because sometimes the modified gene does not penetrate to the deeper levels of the meristem. It was neat to see soy plants that had both the original cells and the GM cells. These plants were half green and half white, because part of the plant could not carry on photosynthesis, because it did not have the selectable marker. Soy transformation takes place in the light, while the first few steps of corn take place in the dark, just like germination in the field.

After the agrobacterium has modified the DNA of the embryo, an antibiotic is added to stop the agrobacterium and callus induction occurs. Basically, this is rapid growth of the GM cells to identify where they are. The GM embryos are then selected and moved to progressively larger containers based on the plant’s stage of development. These plants will undergo efficacy testing. Then scientists select the healthiest and most efficient plants to send to the greenhouse at the RTP campus (More about this in a future blog, because I will be spending a week there!)

soy plant transformation process
soy plant transformation process
Life cycle of a stinkbug
Life cycle of a stinkbug

My hands-on lab experiences: In the afternoon, I visited the various insect nurseries. These insects were collected from the field and then bred at Bayer. It was neat to see the various life stages of each insect. I will never look at a stinkbug the same way again! We also set up leaf disk tests in which insects are placed in the same container as a small piece of leaf. Each cell represents a different type of leaf (some genetically modified and some not). Then, we observed previously set up assays to observe which leaves experienced the least amount of damage. We recorded the data, which will be used in efficacy analysis. Some leaves were almost completely eaten, and therefore, are not useful in pest protection. We also looked at in vitro assays to see which had the insects with the highest mortality rate in response to the proteins in the diet. Each sample was compared to a control. It surprised me how many of the samples looked like the controls. Hence, the innovation motto: “It’s ok to fail, but fail quickly.”

Creating classroom lessons: At the end of my visit, I met with Kate and Marie to develop the concepts of GM technology into activities for students. First, we made a model of DNA. I have seen variations of this model online, but this is the best I have seen, because it accurately shows:

Double helix model
Double helix model

*the double helix shape

*the difference in sugars between DNA and RNA

*the process of transcription

*the types of bonds between the bases

*antiparallel structure of DNA (gummy bears facing opposite directions)

*2 or 3 hydrogen bonds (distance of gummy bears to one another)


Yellow twizzler = DNA sugar, purple twizzler = RNA sugar blue twizzler = phosphate gummy bears = base
yellow Twizzlers = DNA sugar; purple Twizzlers = RNA sugar; blue Twizzler = phosphate; gummy bears = base
strawberry dna extraction test tub
The cloudy white material in the clear layer of alcohol is the DNA as it precipitates.

Next, we did a DNA extraction of strawberries and bananas. I have done this experiment with my students before, but doing this experiment with a scientist helped me gain a deeper understanding of what was happening on a molecular level. For example, Marie explained to me that many fruits (bananas, strawberries, and kiwi for example) are polyploids meaning they have multiple chromosomes in each set, while humans have diploids (two chomosomes in each set). Because these fruits are polyploids, it is easier to release the DNA from the cells. Also, she reminded me what each step in the DNA extraction does:

*original mashing – breaks down cell walls

*soapy water extraction buffer – breaks lipid-based cell membranes. This made sense to me, because dish soap also breaks down fatty grease from pots and pans.

*salt – interacts with the negative charge in the DNA

*alcohol – precipitates the DNA

Next, we talked about restriction enzymes! Oh my! This was well beyond my level of expertise, but with Marie and Kate’s help, I was able to understand what restriction enzymes do and how restriction enzymes are useful. Restriction enzymes break apart DNA. Different enzymes break apart the DNA at different places by recognizing a specific base pair sequence. When broken, the DNA can have sticky ends or blunt ends. With sticky ends, the restriction enzymes are palindromes (the same forwards on the top as it is backwards on the bottom), so that it can match up with the DNA sequence. Using vectoring, genes can be inserted here for such GM technologies as crop protection and insulin. Restriction enzymes can also be used in forensics, because they cut DNA into several pieces and then the DNA can be arranged by number and length of the pieces. DNA samples from the same organism will be cut in exactly the same way. Marie and I were brainstorming ways to create a mock crime scene in the classroom and use DNA fingerprinting to solve the crime. For example, “Who Stole the cookie from the cookie jar?” Some DNA from the perpetrator was left in the cookie jar and we know it was someone in the classroom. Each student donates a “DNA sample” (modeled by DNA sequence written on paper). The class uses restriction enzymes to differentiate between classmates and finds the matching DNA sequence from the cookie jar sample. This lesson needs a great deal of development, but it would definitely be engaging for the students. More to come on this later!

Restriction enzymes can cause stinky ends.
Restriction enzymes can cause stinky ends.

How my experienced impacted my view of science education:

*You never know where the kids will end up, so PREPARE THEM FOR ANYTHING! Some of my students may very well become research scientists, and that is fabulous. However, most will not. My future “civilian scientists” still need basic scientific knowledge, science-based skills (such as analysis), and scientific literacy in order to make personal and consumer choices.

*Take time to nurture natural curiosities. One scientist at the innovation center told me how taking nature walks with her class as a child inspired her to study Botany. Sometimes I get so busy with the “have tos” of curriculum, that I forget the power of slowing down and going for a walk.

*Expose all students to a variety of things: plants, insects, technology, whatever you have, so each student can find his or her niche. When I toured the insect nursery, I met people who love bugs. When I toured the greenhouse, I met people who love plants. In the communications department, I met people who love coding and creating websites. It is incredible how differently we are each wired and how essential each individual’s gifts and abilities are in the marketplace.

*Advocate for STEM Education! Another scientist shared with me how in previous years, America has experienced a deficiency in research scientists and has scouted from other countries, such as China and India. However, the industry is beginning to follow the work force. If America continues on the projected path, America may not be able to maintain its status as a world-wide leader in technology.

*Learn more about the Next General Science Standards. I recently read over these standards for my graduate class and was amazed at how well it connected with real-world science at Bayer. I will reflect more on this in future blogs.

*Create a unique classroom culture. I loved the culture at the BCS innovation center. It proved you can both be relaxed and professional. I hope my classroom has a similar environment. Yes, this is a place you can feel comfortable, but we will be productive. Comradery and a good sense of humor are actually production agents, not enemies of efficiency.

*An unexpected connection to social studies: Social Studies is the red-headed step-child in fifth grade. With reading, math, and science being tested subjects, Social Studies is often pushed to the back burner both in instruction time and budget allocations. However, the fifth grade curriculum is so important! Economy, US colonization and revolution, and the US Civil War are foundational topics for students. (This is why I LOVE fifth grade curriculum!) I walked through the labs and saw our economy vocabulary at work (see bold words). When scientists mentioned how farmers drive innovation by telling Bayer what pests are inhibiting plant yield, I thought of supply and demand. In our mixed economy, Bayer responds to consumer demand, while also abiding by government regulations. Also, Bayer Crop competes with other companies for consumer loyalty which drives their desire for high quality products. Specialization was also evident as Bayer focuses on a few crops (particularly corn and soy) and division of labor among employees. Some employees work with insects, while Marie’s staff works in the vectoring group. Specialization and division of labor build interdependence among employees and other businesses.


Personal Take-aways: One of benefits of visiting the innovation center was to see exactly how GM occurs and even participate some. There is so much media hype about this topic that leads the everyday grocery shopper to fear GM foods. Honestly, I understand their plight, because each of us wants to do everything we can to keep our families healthy. The consumer without a science background has to make a decision with limited and skewed information. Seeing the GM process and the extensive testing firsthand makes me feel better about choosing healthy and safe foods. I also learned that insulin uses the same technology as GM foods. The insulin-producing gene is inserted into bacteria and then into the bloodstream of a diabetic patient. GM foods are the most researched and tested agricultural product in history.

Conclusion: I was a little nervous being around so many well-educated and experienced research scientists. I do not want to appear uninformed. However, as a fifth grade teacher, I tend to be a jack of all trades, and certainly don’t know the finer point of cell biology and biotechnology. Developing stronger content knowledge was my main motivator for participating in the Kenan Fellows Program. Thank you to all the scientists who shared their expertise with me, so I can pass it along to my future scientists!

Links for more information:!/

UNC Gene therapy research for patients with cystic fibrosis using the same biotechnology as Bayer, but with a different purpose. Click the link to learn more:

Photo credit links:

2015-2016 School Year – Different Because of the KFP

How has the Kenan Fellows Program changed me? I’m glad you asked. 

It has sparked a love of teaching again. Maybe spark isn’t the best word. I’ve been blessed with a internal passion for my career. It helps me weather the inevitable storms. However, it is good to have external fuel for a fire. The KFP has been the gasoline on a career I already loved.

It has connected me with others who “get me.” CS Lewis said, “Friendship is born at that moment when one man says to another: ‘What! You too?'” This moment is no less significant in the professional world. Through both formal professional development and at leisure teacher-talk, I’ve shared concerns, gained wisdom, and generated ideas with educators beyond my normal sphere of influence.

I am intentionally looking for ways to connect my students with the world beyond our playground.  Let’s take tomorrow’s lesson for example. The students are learning about the economy and budget in our social studies class. Tomorrow Holly’s Springs’ city project manager will do a brief presentation with my students and then work with them in small groups as they create a budget for their city.  Also, I have contacted a North Carolina General Assembly legislator who will be visiting our classroom during third quarter. Last, but not least, Kurt, the greenhouse guru from Bayer, who will be visiting during our ecosystems unit. Guest speakers are certainly a start for teaching students about the real world and connecting the community with my school. However, I would like to do more with this. I do not know what that will look like yet. <—–yet = growth mindset – see previous blog entry

The internship has strengthened my content knowledge and eagerness to learn.  I have only been at Bayer for eight days, but I have learned so much and been able to connect it to my students’ curriculum. For example, when we talked about cells and genetics, I shared with students about how Bayer uses an understanding of genetics to innovate new ideas to increase crop production. I cannot wait to return to Bayer next Tuesday!

My classroom featured in our school’s blog

Today’s Takeaway: “Education is the most powerful weapon for changing the world.”

boys dividing
A glimpse into my 2015-2016 school year.