My Kenan Fellowship

In case you wanted to know what I’m doing this summer…

I’m an 8th grade science teacher at Centennial Campus Middle School and this will actually be my second year as a classroom teacher. Before coming to the classroom I was an educator at Disney’s Animal Kingdom.

I became a Kenan fellow because I firmly believe in being a life-long learner. As long as we are learning we are living. I was and am so excited for this opportunity to learn from and along with the other fellows in my cohort. I’m not sure how I’ll learn and grow yet, but I know I will and I know that whatever comes, I’m up for the adventure.

My Kenan Fellowship is working with wearable nanotechnology at the NC State ASSIST center. (for more information about ASSIST check here: We’ll be working in teams to develop a wearable sensor device working around a concept from One Health, an organization that examines health issues combining the interests of animal, human, and environmental health. We’ll work all the way through engineering and developing our own prototype sensor system and get to plan how to bring our students into this amazing technology and engineering process.




(me and my awesome mentor who let me do a slide in selfie!)