Innovation and Mentoring Organizations

Innovation in our Mentoring Organizations


This internship has given me networking tools I can use to impact my mentor’s organization.  Although I have been in the education system for 15 years, I still don’t know all of the answers.   Besides our society  (youth especially have changed over the years and will continue to change “their mindset”).  I did not have access to the vast amount of technology that is around today;  so the mentor organization can not look the same as it did 15 years ago; ( only if we  want an excellent and ever growing organization).   Don’t get me wrong I believe the organization must keep a basic framework, because some  practices should never be compromised; such as the professional decorum of a teacher or any career.  However, my internship experience has shown me that it is “normal” and expected  to become  innovative in sparking change in an organization to fit the needs of a society and/or community: whether it is a mentoring organization, family organization,  business organization, school organization, political organization and much more.  I learned that if  I  can see a challenge, the new norm is to  use my prior knowledge, and innovation… I must not forget Collaborative TEAMWORK; which is the heart of building any organization into an excellent one; to create a more efficient and highly effective plan!