All posts by Annie Jones

Week in review of NCCAT

  • How do you plan to implement something you learned at NCCAT in your classroom?
    • There were so many useful things that I learned last week that I want to implement in my classroom.  I know I will implement some of the things that I learned in the Maslow was a working parent informative session.  Getting the parents more active in my school has been a major issue for us because we have low parent participation.
  • Which session was your least favorite? Why?
    • The session on Classroom Management was my least favorite because I assumed it would address issues on how to handle some classroom behaviors. This session only provided information about all classes teaching the same thematic units.  That would be idealistic but at my school this may not be feasible.
  • How has the week at NCCAT compared with other PD opportunities you have attended?
    • My week was lovely.  Other PD opportunities have been we  are told to go and our input has been limited to none on deciding which PD opportunities to attend. During the week, we were given the opportunity to discuss ways we would implement the ideas we have just been informed about.  Most of the PDs  I’ve attended, don’t give the opportunity for that.  We were treated as individuals instead of treated like a whole. Meaning we were able to choose things that we wanted to learn more about.
  • Which session did you find most useful and why?
    • I thoroughly found the ELL presentation to be most useful.  I learned new strategies that I think will be extremely beneficial in my classroom.  Being able to celebrate milestones with my ELLs will boost moral and help me find ways to assess them thoroughly.

What I would like to gain from this experience?

What do you hope to gain from your fellowship experience?

  • Describe how being a Kenan Fellow could elevate your teaching career.
    • By being a Kenan Fellow, I believe this opportunity will allow me to communicate with other professionals who are going through this fellowship with me.  Being given this opportunity to talk with other teachers have been useful because there are many questions that I have had and we work together to generate ideas. Getting more knowledge will definitely help with my content area because I will be able to see it from different standpoints.
  • Give examples of how being a Kenan Fellow could improve your skills as a teacher and as a leader in your school and community.
    • Being able to work with others will improve my social skills.  I am more of a loner but I have had to come out of my comfort zone and work with others to complete tasks.  By being able to communicate with others, will allow me to take what others think/believe and implement in my classroom, my internship location, and in my curriculum.

1st day of Internship with mentor

Yesterday was my first day with my Mentor and it was great.  The company that I am working with is NSC and they made me feel right at home.  This company offers great opportunities for the people in our area if they would just commit to the job. The capacity that I will be working in will help the students that I teach learn the value of hard work and how a piece of cotton can turn into clothing, awnings for businesses, flight jackets for the military, etc.