The Kenan Fellowship and Internship created for my experience through the N.C. Museum of Natural Science was unequivocally one of the best professional experiences that I have been honored to participate in. We began three distinct projects that were extensions of the research that our mentors were immersed in. This experience was a true scientific success in teaching about the process, however the product did not end in a way that was truly implementable. I would not characterize the product as a failure, it was however determined during the implementation of the product that there would be barriers that would make the implementation difficult in the classroom.
Many would say that the choice to allocate resources to other teaching opportunities and education and not continuing with the initial product would be a failure. I do not feel that way at all. As a true scientist, and having studied renowned and remarkable scientists from our past it is clear that most of the life changing and significant products and processes were completed after a plethora of failed attempts and the gumption and determination of those dedicated to the process of learning from past mistakes and altering processes and thinking.
Upon reflection, I think I growing through the process and the lesson development I have so many educational principles to take away. Firstly, I recognize that a lesson can be completed in any format or to any degree and it still can need changes due to the distinct needs of the students and their learning. This too is like the scientific process. Secondly, it gave me a lens to look through as my kids will when we complete investigations and the designed or desired outcome is not achieved. I will have a better understanding and ability to facilitate their frustration and working into the next layers of design and study. Lastly, I believe it strengthened me professionally in my ability to transfer the experience of working through the barriers and the successes and failures and how I will assist my fellow educators and students trough similar learning situations. It may not have been the designed product that we intended for completion, but the professional impact on students and teachers will come to fruition beyond the fellowship itself.
Reflecting on the Year, Reflecting on our Finished Product