Summer Institute

I have had an incredible time at the KFP Summer Institute! The amount of useful information that I have gained is insane. I normally walk away from PD with a few ideas that I may or may not be able to easily put into action in my classroom. After this week at NCCAT, I am excited for the new school year to implement all of the amazing ideas that I have gotten. Plus, white water rafting was pretty awesome to do too!

The biggest thing that I plan to implement in my classroom isn’t a tangible thing or some cool app (although I plan to use plenty of those too!). I am going to implement my brand in the decisions that I make in my classroom. I feel as if I’ve been struggling to find my identity as a teacher. But I have a new sense of direction for my classroom that I am excited to put into action! By keeping my brand: Welcoming. Dynamic. Life Long Learning. in mind, I will have a clear direction with the decisions I make for and in my classroom.

I have a renewed sense of purpose for teaching after my time in the Summer Institute. Usually PD is a break from the everyday hustle and bustle of the classroom. There isn’t always some big take away that I can pinpoint and I don’t feel as if my perspective is always valued at other PD. However, this week I have felt important and that I have a say in what I am absorbing and taking back to my school community. I am excited to see where this experience plus my externship with LORD takes me as an educator!


Kenan Fellow Future

I hope to gain quite a few things from my experience as a Kenan Fellow. I want to further myself as a leader in my profession and as a learner. I believe if I can grow as a leader and a learner that this will impact my students positively as an effect. I also hope to directly impact my students by creating great STEM curriculum from the experiences provided through the Kenan Fellows program. Overall, I hope to gain a new sense of direction in my career that will elevate me as a professional for years to come!