Tech on Tap

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August 17.  The day had come.  I was absolutely exhausted from the setup of my classroom, and there was still a lot to finish.  It was difficult to leave it to go set up for a party but I promised to help the Google Fiber Space get ready.  Using both the indoor tech space and outdoor atrium, there was a… Read more »


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Yesterday ended my three week internship at Google Fiber.  Thankfully, this was not good-bye forever though!  I am proud to say that my mentor, Jess George, and I have created three different STEAM To Go kits for elementary STE(A)M teachers in CMS to borrow and use in their classroom.  These kits are free to borrow and come with a teacher’s… Read more »

Google Fiber

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Through the KFP , I am fortunate enough to intern with Google Fiber.  I have been there for a full two weeks now and have one more full week to go until my visits become sporadic.  During these past couple weeks, I have been pushed way out of my comfort zone and it has been fabulous!  I just can’t get… Read more »

Summer Institute 2017

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The summer institute at NCCAT was one of the most powerful teaching experiences I’ve had in my 10 year career. Meeting all the fellow excellent educators and KFP crew has forever changed my life. It was rather encouraging to meet other teachers who are extremely dedicated to their students and their careers. I didn’t truly realize the impact that this… Read more »

Hello world!

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This may be hard to believe since it is 2017, but this is my first EVER blog post!!!  You’re probably thinking, “LAME” and you’re absolutely right!  With the help of the Kenan Fellows Program though, I won’t be so lame anymore.  I am required to complete blog posts about my experiences as a fellow throughout this summer and coming school… Read more »