I’ve had an interesting day today. Solidly ten miles of construction related stop and roll traffic on I-40 and getting lost multiple times for maybe an hour and a half or so after getting off of 40 behind a sorry set of directions from Google Maps to NCCAT (for my money, Mapquest remains the superior online directions assistant) yielded one extremely late, hot, tired and frustrated Kenan Fellow.
But when I arrived, circumstances began to improve immediately, as is always the case when you know you’re involved in something good. The NCCAT staff were welcoming and helpful. Kenan Fellows staff were reassuring regarding my tardiness. It was easy to fall into the sessions and figure out what was happening and how to fill in the parts I’d missed. Oh yeah, and teachers. My people! Being surrounded by folk who, day in and day out, during every working moment, must demonstrate unending patience for the late, the hot, the tired and the frustrated was exactly what this flustered Fellow needed just then.
Now look at me. On top of everything, I’m blogging! Per a late email request to the faculty at my school (Fuller Elementary in Raleigh), I’ve been receiving responses to help me create the list of words to describe the most well known features of my personality. Not a single colleague listed “luddite” to describe me, but they all know it applies. Information technology and I have a hate/hate relationship, and I somewhat resigned to be a carburetor guy in a fuel injected age. Nevertheless, thanks to the good folk who work hard to make the Kenan Fellows program happen, I have a blog! I can’t wait to post cool stuff from, not only my awesome internship but all things related to my fellowship, as well as stuff from the Elementary Science Education realm.
I think I’ll leave the rhetorical question as this post’s title. But if I had to give my blog site (is that what you call it?) a name, it might be “The Blogging Luddite!”